Wonder if we'll see a Genesys Beginners Set?

By Desslok, in Genesys

Okay, the Star Wars beginner sets are railroady as hell, very hand-holdy and not of all that much use to us old vets beyond Hey, More Dice! and a cool map - but I do have to admit that they are awesome gateway drugs. They have one job - teach the system - and they do it well (with Edge being the best out of the four).

If we don't see an announcement posted here in the next couple of days, I severely doubt we'll get one - and then there's the problem of what setting would FFG use? Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Horror? Modern? But it'd still be kind of cool to see what they came up with. At the very least, it'll keep me from having to buy even more dice.

(Also, I don't believe I just blew my 5,000th post on this. Break out the champagne!)

Edited by Desslok

Genre/Theme based Boxed Sets?

Considering how well regarded the SW beginner boxes are I would think that we will see some. Perhaps they will hold off until their first Theme book comes out and pair it with that, say a Netruner beginner box.

I'd rather see decks of adversaries appropriate to specific setting types.

  • Superhero Adversaries: Burglars, Gangsters, Police Officers, Reporters, Civilians, Bystanders, etc.
  • Arkham Horror (Cthulhu) Adversaries: Detectives, Cultists, Monsters, Prohees (Prohibition Agents), more Gangsters & Police, etc.
  • Medieval Fantasy Adversaries: Orcs/Goblins, Trolls, Fae, Elves, Dwarves, Soldiers, Wizards, etc.
  • Steam- & Dieselpunk Adversaries: Mad Scientists, Explorers, Adventurers, Bandits, etc.
  • Old West Adversaries: Cowboys, Confederate/Union Soldiers, Farmers, Outlaws, Sheriff & Deputies, Townspeople, etc.

Adversary Decks have so far been print-on-demand, which means that FFG can offer a wide variety of extremely useful characters to flesh out the setting without a huge capital investment or sitting on large amounts of back stock if one or another setting turns out to be less popular.

The adversary cards (for Star Wars anyway) have all drawn from published sources. It compiles stat blocks from various books and puts them into an easier to find and organize format. I wouldn't expect to see any Adversary Decks that didn't follow a Theme. I mean, they could just make a "Genesys Adversaries" deck and throw in every statblock from the core book, but I think it makes more sense to publish them per Theme. If we assume that FFG will make splatbooks for various themes or IPs, we probably won't see a deck of Adversary cards for quite some time. They just won't have the numbers to draw from until then.