Okay, got a quick question for the lore-masters out there regarding the Harlequins of the Eldar. From what i know of them, they seem to have an incredible massive incomprehensibly gargantuan dislike for Slaanish, naturally, and seem to exist to counter and, maybe, one day, slay Slaanish. Given that fact and the Eldar's odd single-minded ways and utter dedication to what ever it is they chose to do with any given part of their life, is there room in the Harlequins to hate, despise, and seek out other enemies of the Eldar? If a Farseer somewhere realized that an important junction involving the C'tan were coming up, like the first events of an awakening or some such, and a Harlequin Troupe found out about it, would they seek to intervene to change events or would such, as it doesn't have anything to do with Slaanish, not concern them and be left to other Eldar to deal with it or not as they see fit?