All Concealing Shadows?!?!?!

By AstinDextor, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, Im pretty new to DEscent. It's somethign my girflriend and I play just the two of us. We just got Well of Darkness, and she just dropped All Concealing shadows. WTF?? Are we misreading this card, or is it an auto-win for the Overlord? Im running 4 heroes, so she gets 4 threat (enough to cancel 2 attacks) each turn just from that, as well as drawing 2 cards (which usually can easily mean at least 4 more threat per turn by dsicarding). So I have no option but to stand still all game and waste most of my time swinging at the air for the rest of the game until dying? How is this card remotely fair?

Dodging an attack in Descent doesn't mean that it automatically misses, it means that you can force the attacker to reroll any of the dice of your choice (and the second result stands). It's fairly awesome if the monster has Stealth (from the Tomb of Ice expansion) or if a hero attempts an attack where he needs a good roll in order to be effective at all (extreme range, high armor, trying to get multiple ranks of Blast from surges, etc.), but most of the time it won't stop the attack from killing the targeted monster.

You can also make Aimed attacks to cancel out the dodge reroll if you really want, but that's amazingly unlikely to be worth it.

Wow, okay that makes a lot more sense now. Thanks very much. I knew that was how it worked for heroes dodging, but for some reason we assumed it was an auto miss for monsters who dodged.