Store Championship 6/25: Meeples Games, Seattle, WA

By Sekac, in X-Wing Battle Reports

My last entry was: 6/10 in Redmond, WA and I took the exact same list at Meeples Games this last weekend. The list again, is:

"Chopper" (37)
Fire-Control System (2)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
Hera Syndulla (1)
Ezra Bridger (3)
Ghost (0)

"Zeb" Orrelios (18)
Autoblaster Turret (2)
Phantom (0)

Thane Kyrell (26)
Tactician (2)
M9-G8 (3)
Alliance Overhaul (0)

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

It's essentially a stress-control and offensive instead of defensive version of Kanan/Biggs.

The double PS 4 is good for killing any generics, especially jumpmasters ?, and Chopper+tactician make it hell for attanni lists. The TLT is crazy efficient with at least one re-roll, and one soft focus on each of its 4 shots. In fact, I can take 0 actions with the entire list and have up to 5 soft focus shots! (Using the ARC's caboose shot). Attanni can't even claim that ;)

Overall I went 3-2 and ended in 10th place. I didn't get to fight any Attanni lists this time and I really want to try it on Fenn and 2 Torp scouts. Typical, build a list to hunt the meta, and lose to the field. Gotta love store champs! :D Details below:

Round 1:

Miranda w/ TLT, chopper, long range scanners, extra munitions, (some sort of bomb)

Rey w/Expertise, Finn, Sabine, Thermal Detonators, TFAlcon title,

I played my friend, Jim, my most frequent opponent, and that's always a bummer when you travel an hour and a half and get paired up in the first round. The weird part is, we got matched up in the first round at Meeples last year too...

We set up to joust but both turned away. On the opening engagement, the ghost lost most, if not all, of its shields, but managed to strip Miranda's shields off too. The next turn Miranda clipped a rock and got blown up by the that's primary guns with Ezra's crit dealing a direct hit. It was pretty much over after that, but he managed to finish off Thane with the thermal drop which was cool, and took the ghost down to half.

Win: 100-55

Round 2:

Quickdraw w/ Swarm Leader, Electronic Baffle, Pattern Analyzer, Title, MkII Engines

Youngster w/ Rage

4x Academy TIE

I hate TIE swarms.

I knew the only way I could win this was to break up the formation on obstacles before engaging, as 16 HP cannot repel firepower of that magnitude. There was a picket of 3 asteroids about range 4 from my opponent's edge, with my 3 large debris scattered around loosely.

I raced my Ghost through the debris (Chopper needs his Cheerios) and towards the picket line. With consecutive 4 forward maneuvers, I got the the picket line between Chopper and the swarm so they split formation, 2 academies on my opponents side of the line, and the rest going around the long way. I dropped one academy TIE before Thane died to Quickdraw's Baffle Swarm Leader punch, but I hammered him down with the TLT and blew him up with range 1 primaries after a 5k next turn, I deployed the shuttle soon after when there were still 4 TIEs left, and his autoblaster finished one off before it could shoot, saving the ghost.

The ghost had only 2 HP, a console fire, a major hull breach, and a whole pile of stress, so I couldn't fix them. So I knew the ghost was a goner, I just needed time to kill a TIE and Zeb could clean up. But no, the console fire triggered after I successfully arc dodged with the ghost, and of course it was a direct hit. That's right, all 3 of those crits had to happen at the same time for my ghost to die!

Zeb fought valiantly, but was only able to kill one TIE and wound another before he died.

I almost certainly would've won if not for that crit craziness, because Zeb costs more than any one TIE on the field. But random things are random.

Loss: 72-100

Round 3:

Moralo Eval w/ HLC, Dengar, Outlaw Tech, Burn out SLAM, (maybe a 1 point crew??)

Genesis Red w/ Light Scyk, Veteran Instincts

Jakku Gunrunner w/ Spacetug Tractor Array

Jakku Gunrunner w/ Spacetug Tractor Array

This was kind of a weird battle. He set his to quadjumpers slightly offset from center and I put my ships on the outside of them, and then he put Moralo and Genesis Red in the complete opposite corner of the board. Seeing that the quadjumpers were more or less isolated from the other 2, I sprang forward with the ghost and got behind them for a couple turns while Moralo and Red tried to get around the obstacles and into the fight. I killed one jumper and got the other to one hull before the other ships really engaged.

Genesis Red died to one turn of TLT fire. His ability is useless against my list. The Jakku Brunner with one hull was chasing Thane and tossing him around and I just couldn't finish the **** thing off with the butt shot.

Chopper took down Moralo with TLT and a range 1 primary shot, then killed the quadjumper that Thane couldn't finish.

Win: 100-24

Round 4:

Dengar w/ VI (I think), Unhinged Astro, K4 droid, Punishing One

Y-wing w/ TLT, Unhinged Astro

Y-wing w/ TLT, Unhinged Astro

I knew I had to take Dengar down first, and preferably without the Y-wings in the way. He set the Y-wings slightly offset from center and I deployed to joust. Dengar deployed in the far corner. The Y-wings turned away from the joust and they kept pulling 3 speed maneuvers to run. Dengar had done a red sloop to get turned around but that put me on his right. He turned towards my ships anyway and had no actions, then I tacticianed him for another stress. I stripped his shields and put a damage card on him too. The ghost lost some or all of its shields from Dengar and his revenge shot.

The TLT Y-wings were chewing up Thane pretty badly, and there was a key turn where I wasn't able to finish off actionless Dengar with the TLT and Thane had to 3-turn around around Dengar and didn't have a Y-wing in his sights. The TLTs finished him off, which I knew was going to happen, I just needed to strip a few more shields before he went. Dengar living through that turn meant he got one more shot in which was damage I couldn't afford.

The math at that point gets really simple. I'm pretty much guaranteed to do 4 damage per turn with the TLT, and so are they. I had 9 hull points which meant 3 turns of shooting, one Y-wing had lost a shield. So 4 turns worth of HP to chew through. Not good.

I blew up one, and got the other to 4 hull before I launched Zeb. I was running out of time so I had to fly Zeb extremely aggressively. At one point I overshot, and the Y-wing slipped away and I couldn't get into the donut hole and Zeb died.

Loss: 75-100

Round 5:

Wes w/ VI, BB-8, Integrated Astro

Wedge w/ Adaptability, R2-D2, Integrated Astro

Horton w/ TLT, R2-D6, VI, Vectored Thrusters

This was a very fast battle. I set up in the center of the board, and he set up in a corner. Wes was on the inside and barrel rolled even closer to the center so I went after him first with the ghost and killed him quickly. Then I started hammering Wedge. We thought I killed him, and then realized I had cleared my stress to fix a crit and I shouldn't have used Ezra crew. I'm not used to having the ghost unstressed! So we walked it back, and instead of killing Wedge, he survived and killed the ghost instead.

Zeb was already out and he and Thane were working on Horton. Horton killed Zeb quickly and the endgame was Wedge with one hull and no droid and Horton with 2 hull vs. Thane with 3 hull. It looked grim.

Thane was behind Wedge and chasing Horton. Horton barrel rolled into range 2, and Wedge K-turned through a debris to get a range 2, unobstructed shot. I'm pretty much dead unless....Wedge rolled a crit on the debris and exploded!!! Horton did 2 hits to Thane and through him to one hull, and then Thane shot back and killed him!

Win: 100-69

Will post the debrief tomorrow...