what happen when...

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello, we have a couple questions that rose during our 2 last sessions of descent

what happen when an hero declare an attack and the overlord play a crushing block on him moving him backward so preventing his attack on the designated target? can the hero attack another monster?(i dont think it is possible playing a crushing block when an hero declared an attack)

same question for a monster, when a monster declare an attack on a hero and the hero interrupt the attack using fatigue to move before attacking, can the monster change his target or not?(in effect if a beastman move, declare an attack and the hero interrupt with his guard order moving out of the beastman reach using fatigue and attacking another monster can the beastman change his target attacking another adiacent hero? or a skeleton attack another target after his designated target move out of his LoS?)

thanks in advance to all of you

Lord Loren Soth said:

Hello, we have a couple questions that rose during our 2 last sessions of descent

what happen when an hero declare an attack and the overlord play a crushing block on him moving him backward so preventing his attack on the designated target? can the hero attack another monster?(i dont think it is possible playing a crushing block when an hero declared an attack)

same question for a monster, when a monster declare an attack on a hero and the hero interrupt the attack using fatigue to move before attacking, can the monster change his target or not?(in effect if a beastman move, declare an attack and the hero interrupt with his guard order moving out of the beastman reach using fatigue and attacking another monster can the beastman change his target attacking another adiacent hero? or a skeleton attack another target after his designated target move out of his LoS?)

thanks in advance to all of you

When a Hero declares an Advance (so move and attack) or a Battle (attack twice and move with fatigue) he has to declare the space he is targeting. If you play a CB on him, as long as the hero can still reach the target space he can attack. There is a hero whose ability is to be able to change targets mid attack. As for why you think its not possible to play a CB when a hero has declared an "attack" I'm not sure. As long as the hero is entering an empty space and there is nothing around to prevent you from playing CB then you can.

Second, for a monster, same deal since the rules are the same for both monster and hero.

However, if I am reading your statement right you are playing something wrong. Heroes can not spend fatigue during a Guard action . Fatigue for movement can only be spent on the heroes turn, per the rules on page 18 of the JitD rulebook. Even Tahlia, who gets to move her speed during her Guard action, isn't allowed to spend fatigue for movement points. Guard actions happen during the OL's turn, not the heroes.

I guess he is referring to the situation when a hero has moved into an empty space, nothing happened, then the hero declares an attack and the OL wants to interrupt that by a CB - which would not be valid in my book.

Second, for clarification, heros can spend fatigue to improve attack rolls during a Guard, but never for movement purposes.

He is right, you cannot spend fatigue for movement points. You can, however use fatigue to add/upgrade dice and activate certain hero skills, such as quick casting, cleaving, and rapid fire.

We always play that if someone "interrupts" a player, then after that interruption, the player does *not* have to continue with the declared action but can now reassess the game board and decide to do something else. This usually happens during the OL's turn and a hero uses a Guard order.

In the case of a trap that moves a hero, the OL has to use it *before* the hero attacks, when the hero moves, so it's not like the hero has really declared he's attacking a creature yet anyways...


Big Remy said:

When a Hero declares an Advance (so move and attack) or a Battle (attack twice and move with fatigue) he has to declare the space he is targeting. If you play a CB on him, as long as the hero can still reach the target space he can attack. There is a hero whose ability is to be able to change targets mid attack. As for why you think its not possible to play a CB when a hero has declared an "attack" I'm not sure. As long as the hero is entering an empty space and there is nothing around to prevent you from playing CB then you can.

Second, for a monster, same deal since the rules are the same for both monster and hero.

However, if I am reading your statement right you are playing something wrong. Heroes can not spend fatigue during a Guard action . Fatigue for movement can only be spent on the heroes turn, per the rules on page 18 of the JitD rulebook. Even Tahlia, who gets to move her speed during her Guard action, isn't allowed to spend fatigue for movement points. Guard actions happen during the OL's turn, not the heroes.

You don't need to declare the target of an attack at the time that you declare your action , you wait until you're actually making the attack (the hero whose ability is to change targets can do so after rolling the attack). The OL cannot play a Crushing Block trap between when a hero declares an attack and when he rolls dice, because the triggering condition for Crushing Block is when a hero enters an empty space. If you play a Crushing Block while a hero is moving with the intent of eventually attacking, they can spend all their remaining movement and attacks on anything that's legal from their new position.

A monster can be interrupted with a Guard between when it declares an attack and rolls dice. If that happens, according to the GLoAQ , you do a little "rewind" to before the declaration of attack, the hero performs his Guard attack, and then the monster can continue doing whatever he wants; he can make the same attack (if its still legal), or a different attack, or not attack at all.

Heroes cannot spend fatigue to move during a Guard interrupt. They can still spend fatigue on anything else that isn't specifically limited to the hero's turn, such as adding power dice to an attack or using skills like Rapid Fire, Quick Casting, Cleaving, etc.

Hadn't had my coffee yet, thanks for adding those clarifications.

1. The Overlord has to play that card on the heroes moving action "when entering an empty space" so he did not declared a target yet. After the trap he can move the rest of his movement points, use fatigue to extra if he wants and then declare a valid target.

2. This is an official response in FAQ. Because the guard can interrupt the Overlord after declaring the target it is fair to let him choose another target.

Does the OL have to continue his same course of action when interrupted by a guard action?

The OL may change his mind after being interrupted. (…) the OL can change his mind after being interrupted, (…) treat it as though you did a little 'rewind' to right before he declared an attack. The OL, after being interrupted after declaring an attack, may choose to continue with the attack, change its target, or even not to make the attack at all. (Edited to keep the context of the answer)

and about trapmaster and traps that do additional damages, if for example the crushing block do 4 damage + maybe 3 more for trapmaster and other strange abilities does the hero roll more black dice or just the 4 dice and then take 3 more damage withour have the chance to reduce those extra damages?

Lord Loren Soth said:

and about trapmaster and traps that do additional damages, if for example the crushing block do 4 damage + maybe 3 more for trapmaster and other strange abilities does the hero roll more black dice or just the 4 dice and then take 3 more damage withour have the chance to reduce those extra damages?

The hero does not get extra dice to avoid the extra damage. He takes the amount of damage indicated by the trap card and all other applicable effects and the rolls the number of dice on the trap card.

Just play the cards as they say. Inventing extra stuff because someone thought it might possibly 'fit' just causes trouble.
You wouldn't consider rolling less dice to avoid damage if there were less wounds being dished out (Corbin) or wounds being cancelled (ghost armour, Skull shield etc)...