Need Ruling Help/ Clarification on "after"math

By Masterxlos, in Star Wars: Destiny

This is the scenario:

I have two dice showing base damage (black side and same damage type) with the values at 2 damage/ 1 resource cost each. I have only have 1 resource in my pool and have aftermath in play. I use my first resource to play the cost of my damage die to defeat a character. Aftermath kicks off here I gain the 1 resource back and use it to resolve the 2nd 2 damage/ 1 resource cost to defeat the 2nd character . Is this correct?

IMO Yes, because each base die enters the queue seperatly thus letting "after" part aftermath to fulfill the triggering condition. It came up in a game yesterday and no one seems to know one way or the other.

Help please!

Hmm... I'm not really sure. This was all I could find in the rules reference:


    Each die side has a symbol on it (see page 9). A player may resolve one or more dice in their pool that have the same symbol, one at a time (unless adding a modifed die, then the dice are resolved simultaneously). To resolve a die, a player must pay any costs and carry out the effect represented by the symbol on that die. Then they return it to the card that it came from.

So, the fact that it says the dice are resolved one at a time would suggest to me that you resolve one, triggering Aftermath, gain the resource after that happens, then resolve the next one (simultaneous triggers since the next dice will be resolved after the first).

However, I can see where the queue might be a good arguement for the other way, since all your dice resolving enter the queue and Aftermath enters the queue after all the dice.

I personally would err on the side of that you can resolve both dice, because you always get to choose the order that dice are resolved while you're still resolving dice, after some dice have already been resolved, implying that resolving dice is not an "ability" and this never enters a queue. However, if resolving each dice does enter the queue, then I would say you can't, and this might be possible, since if dice enter a queue, the triggers for each of the dice resolving are simultaneous, and that's why you would get to choose the order in the first place.

Sorry I couldn't be more help! I can really see the arguement on both sides here.

Having a quick look through the RRG, doesn't look like there's a specific answer for this.

However to me I think it's logical to assume that 'resolving dice' is a series of sub actions that can be interrupted by other effects between the individual dice resolution. It feels like it should work that way.

I have a question in a similar vein regarding effects taking place between dice resolution. Say I have a Holocron special in my pool. On my turn I resolve my specials, beginning with Holocron. I switch my Holocron with Mind Probe (or any blue ability with a special), pay the resource to roll in the Mind Probe dice, and I roll a special. Can I resolve the Mind Probe special as a part of resolving my specials? Or would I have to take another action to do so?

11 minutes ago, PeoplesChampion said:

I have a question in a similar vein regarding effects taking place between dice resolution. Say I have a Holocron special in my pool. On my turn I resolve my specials, beginning with Holocron. I switch my Holocron with Mind Probe (or any blue ability with a special), pay the resource to roll in the Mind Probe dice, and I roll a special. Can I resolve the Mind Probe special as a part of resolving my specials? Or would I have to take another action to do so?

This has been ruled before where you can resolve the special of the upgrade played by the special of Sith Holocron in the same resolution window.

I would say, based on that interaction, there is a spot for new abilities to enter the queue after each individual die resolution. Seems to me like Aftermath would work and the OP should be able to gain the resource to resolve the second die.

12 minutes ago, gokubb said:

This has been ruled before where you can resolve the special of the upgrade played by the special of Sith Holocron in the same resolution window.

I would say, based on that interaction, there is a spot for new abilities to enter the queue after each individual die resolution. Seems to me like Aftermath would work and the OP should be able to gain the resource to resolve the second die.

I second this. Didn't even think of that. This is a good example, and in my opinion, sound logic.

Thanks! I thought it might be pertinent. And I didn't know about the prior ruling. Is that in the RRG, or did that happen somewhere else?

When you resolve dice their effect enters the queue. You also resolve dice 1 at a time.

In this case you resolve 2R. Nothing is in the queue so it's effect resolves. Triggering defeat of a character which goes on the queue. It also triggers Aftermath which goes on the queue. Resolve defeat. Resolve Aftermath. Queue is empty go back to resolving dice.

10 minutes ago, ScottieATF said:

Triggering defeat of a character which goes on the queue.

This is the one wrong part in there. Defeat is instantaneous, and doesn't process through the queue. Effects like Aftermath will, but the defeat itself doesn't.

The core answer remains the same though - dice resolve individually, and through the queue individually, so any effects which trigger from a die resolving will process through the queue before you resolve the next die.

You're right, typed queue one to many times.