So there is no real multiple saber specs, what's the closes way in your opinion to build this guy for +500xp?
Edited by TheShardSo there is no real multiple saber specs, what's the closes way in your opinion to build this guy for +500xp?
Edited by TheShardI'm thinking ebb and flow might be a good power to use as part of this build.
Defender? Knight for multiple opponent bonus?
The Knight's Sarlacc Sweep would be cool, but it would impose additional difficulty (on top of already fighting with two weapons). A house-ruled "Blazing Blades" (like the Gunslinger spec, but for melee), and access to improved quickdraw, would be awesome. I think Ataru would actually be the best fit for this style, but as a concept it is definitely an awkward build in this system.
House rule for gunslinger works, any balance issues?
Why ataru?
Mind you, I'm assuming 2 or 3 specs...
Probably because it's the most "acrobatic" form, involving a lot of spins and flips. The character's moves in the video certainly look like Ataru.
Edited by Tramp Graphics18 minutes ago, TheShard said:House rule for gunslinger works, any balance issues?
For balance, I would just specify lightsaber, instead of ranged, for Guns Blazing and Spitfire; Natural Marksman would become Natural Saberist; probably sub a different talent for Call 'em.
12 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:Probably because it's the most "acrobatic" form, involving a lot of spins and flips. The character's moves in the video certainly look like Ataru.
Pretty much this.
Would you pair ataru with another saber stat? N. Disciple? For more saber talents and the +1fr? Seer for the +2fr?
Defender for defense or shii-cho for multiple opponent bonus?
So to break it down a bit let's look at what it takes to be successful at dual wielding. Then consider what ways we could narratively describe hitting with two Sabers.
TWC has 2 costs in this case, an increased difficulty to Hard and 2 Advantage. So we need to find a way to offset that extra difficulty whilst increasing the number of Advantage gained. It's a tough ask, but possible with enough dedication.
There are a number of talents that can assist, Multiple Opponents is nice for the boost, True Aim is spectacular if you have a few ranks. Then there's Hawk Bat Swoop, an excellent way to increase your Advantage. Draw Closer is great for offsetting the increase in difficulty. Finally there is Essential Kill, probably my personal favourite for what you want to achieve.
With 3 Pips spent on Essential Kill your able to add a Triumph including the associated Success. The triumph cannot be canceled so you then only have to succeed on the check. Any additional Pips can be spent on further Advantage for other weapon qualities or reduction of Threat. With a characteristic of 4 and 4 ranks in Lightsaber, an Aim manoeuvre and possibly Multiple Opponents (or Dualist Training), plus a Force Rating of at least 2 (preferably 3) with Essential Kill your well on your way. Executioner/Niman Disciple is rather good (trigger Force Assault when you miss using Essential Kill, both trees like a high Willpower)
But there are other ways to narrate using 2 Sabers, you don't have to attack with both to still take advantage of them. You can have one defensive Saber and another offensive. The defensive hopefully assists with triggering Improved Parry while the offensive one does all the damage and critical hits. This is where Ebb/Flow really comes into the picture, but there are other ways.
You want your opponent to hit, with Threat or Despair, whilst you hit with Advantage (to Crit or recover Strain). Your going to Parry a lot so Strain Recovery is important and you need a decent Force Rating (3+). So here are some ways to do it:
Shi Cho/Niman gives you three ranks in Defensive Training, thats an awesome talent. You also get Improved Parry, then a few ways to recover Strain. You have Sarlack Sweep as well as Force Assault and a Force Rating of 2. Sense is a decent choice for a Force Power to upgrade incoming attacks.
Makashi/Soresu/Infiltrator... this one is complex. With Sense added and for 4 Strain a turn you can upgrade 2 melee attacks 6 times per turn, all others are upgraded by 4. You always have a Melee defense of 1, although a defensive Saber with a defensive Crystal is a great offhand weapon. You also have Supreme Parry, so triggering Parry is cheap if you don't attack. You can use Makashi Flourish to recover Strain and Strain your opponents (it's a skill check not a combat check
). Not my favourite but rather entertaining for the few rounds you last before running out of Strain.
Then there is Ascetic/Soresu with Ebb/Flow. Pick up Sage to bump your FR and get One With The Universe. Soresu is a cheap way to get Parry and Improved, with some Reflect and the possibility of Imp Reflect later. But what your aiming for here is 5 or more Force Pips on Force Power checks. You want to drop the Ebb Mastery at your enemies every turn (correction: mastery is once per session, still you want as many Force Points to throw at the power anyway). With a FR of 4 and hopefully LLD from talents you shouldn't have to suffer too much Conflict... just keep your enemy's closer than your friends. (You can also pile Threat onto the enemy's, 4 or 5 is a seriously ridiculous amount!)
Edited by RichardbuxtonYou would choose sage over seer for the +fr?
Edited by TheShardAll I would say is: "One With The Universe" I thought we were min/maxing this character!
Ahhh hmmm
Sage could give range socially, I like the idea of a negotiator/ weapons master
What's the connection between wisdom/discipline and ebb/flow? Does it use a check?
Ebb/Flow can be combined with almost any skill check, but it needs a few upgrades to become very good and its effects don't apply until the next round.
So it's not particularly tied to a specific stat?
Basically you can attack with your Saber (using any stat your capable of) and use Ebb at the same time, throw a heap of extra strain on everyone Engaged with you (or at Short with an upgrade). If you get 5 Strain on them then once per session you can give one target a Despair on their next check. You can also heal Strain to yourself with flow. It's excellent in its flexibility for a combat character, but like many powers it really becomes its best with 5 or more Pips to spend on it.
Edited by RichardbuxtonOk so I got the go ahead to convert gunslinger to saberslinger, what would I pair it with?
The crucial part that you are all missing is that Kao does not regularly fight with two swords. That clip is his last duel, where he sacrifices himself to let his padawan escape. And before that scene he was fighting with the single green saber. So i suggest building him as single saber fighter, and give him decent enough stats to fight with two sabers if it is needed. I would build him as a Guardian(maybe peacekeeper or protector) with Ataru, and another saber spec to give him more combat options (maybe Shii-Choo or Shien). He is also a very high xp charcter so giving him a second spec with FR might be a good idea, i think Armorer could be a good fit. As for force powers go all the way on Enhance and Sense. Ebb /Flow might be an interesting option, also Influence for the inflict strain part. Lightsaber skill should be 5 (or 4 at the minimum) and a high rank in coordination and athletics. Loads of discipline too. High Vigilance and cool as well. As for gear: jedi battle armor and a lightsaber with a fully modded ilum crystal.
Ok agreed, but that's the cool part that I want to build on.
Agreed he's a lot higher then 500xp but that's what I got to work with, so all that didn't help much.
12 minutes ago, Lareg said:The crucial part that you are all missing is that Kao does not regularly fight with two swords. That clip is his last duel, where he sacrifices himself to let his padawan escape. And before that scene he was fighting with the single green saber. So i suggest building him as single saber fighter, and give him decent enough stats to fight with two sabers if it is needed. I would build him as a Guardian(maybe peacekeeper or protector) with Ataru, and another saber spec to give him more combat options (maybe Shii-Choo or Shien). He is also a very high xp charcter so giving him a second spec with FR might be a good idea, i think Armorer could be a good fit. As for force powers go all the way on Enhance and Sense. Ebb /Flow might be an interesting option, also Influence for the inflict strain part. Lightsaber skill should be 5 (or 4 at the minimum) and a high rank in coordination and athletics. Loads of discipline too. High Vigilance and cool as well. As for gear: jedi battle armor and a lightsaber with a fully modded ilum crystal.
Don't forget the Move power
As a career, I'm thinking Sentinel or Guardian would be the most appropriate. The most appropriate Specializations IMO would be Sentry (bypassing the conflict talent), Protector, Niman Disciple (left side, all the way to Force Assault), and Ataru Striker. The Protect/Unleash Force power is, also IMO, a must. This is the only RAW way that he could protect his apprentice from a death blow from several meters away.
EDIT: because he's a Zabrak, because of his stoic nature, and because of all the synergistic possibilities, I would suggest the Willpower be his top stat and Niman Disciple as his primary lightsaber spec, even though Consular doesn't fit his overall demeanor.
Edited by awayputurwpn52 minutes ago, TheShard said:Ok so I got the go ahead to convert gunslinger to saberslinger, what would I pair it with?
Gunslinger is really similar to Ataru Striker. Why not just start with Ataru?
Edited by awayputurwpn25 minutes ago, Lareg said:The crucial part that you are all missing is that Kao does not regularly fight with two swords. That clip is his last duel, where he sacrifices himself to let his padawan escape. And before that scene he was fighting with the single green saber. So i suggest building him as single saber fighter, and give him decent enough stats to fight with two sabers if it is needed. I would build him as a Guardian(maybe peacekeeper or protector) with Ataru, and another saber spec to give him more combat options (maybe Shii-Choo or Shien). He is also a very high xp charcter so giving him a second spec with FR might be a good idea, i think Armorer could be a good fit. As for force powers go all the way on Enhance and Sense. Ebb /Flow might be an interesting option, also Influence for the inflict strain part. Lightsaber skill should be 5 (or 4 at the minimum) and a high rank in coordination and athletics. Loads of discipline too. High Vigilance and cool as well. As for gear: jedi battle armor and a lightsaber with a fully modded ilum crystal.
Sounds about right except for the lightsaber crystal. Given the time period, I'd suggest a Mephite crystal, fully modded. It will give you a significantly higher damage (base of 8 + 3 damage increases), a decrease in crit rating from 2 to 1, and Vicious 1 on top of the Breach 1 and Sunder qualities. It's also Force reactive.
Because ataru doesn't give you a bonus for multiple sabers, it's really the scene where he's fighting with a double and single saber I'm trying to capture.
I think that fight was a cool scene.
I wanna do it.
2 hours ago, Richardbuxton said:Basically you can attack with your Saber (using any stat your capable of) and use Ebb at the same time, throw a heap of extra strain on everyone Engaged with you (or at Short with an upgrade). If you get 5 Strain on them then once per session you can give one target a Despair on their next check. You can also heal Strain to yourself with flow. It's excellent in its flexibility for a combat character, but like many powers it really becomes its best with 5 or more Pips to spend on it.
A spec that isnt a lightsaber spec (except niman) along with ascetic with empty soul can guarantee a minimum 5 pips on the roll, as long as you have a destiny point to spend. Just get FR and the ebb/flow abilities and you are good to go. However given the ENC restriction, that is about as far from the this build as you get.
If you want to create the person then technically he is the old republic version of Cin Drallig who was a master of every fighting style for sabers so to start you want every lightsaber fighting style. If you just want someone that is as cool as he was in the video, Ataru along with other specs that fit your concept, as others have said the style is very acrobatic. Id maybe combine with armorer and even potentially protector, soresu would also work, but its a much more movement conservative style if you want to relate the spec to the canon representation of it.