I have been to a few tournaments, both watching and playing and noticed the vast array of different types of dice around. I understand that this is probably due to people winning dice in prior tournaments etc. However certain players / dice seem to role more than their fair share of hits / evades / focuses etc.
However I would like to propose a change to tournament rules that players agree to use the same dice for the duration of the match. This would make things on a level playing field and entirely ensure the luck idea wins through as both players are using the same dice.
This can be quite simple, implementations such as:
1) The first player's attack dice are used & the second listed player's defence dice (or vice verse)
2) The player's dice which are to be used determined by the player who needs the most attack / defence dice (and therefore should have them available)
3) Tournament provides standard dice... maybe too costly but could be performed for finals?? Neutral Dice so to speak.