Tournament Play, Using the Same Dice

By Nniol, in X-Wing Mission Control Technical Support and Feedback Forum


I have been to a few tournaments, both watching and playing and noticed the vast array of different types of dice around. I understand that this is probably due to people winning dice in prior tournaments etc. However certain players / dice seem to role more than their fair share of hits / evades / focuses etc.

However I would like to propose a change to tournament rules that players agree to use the same dice for the duration of the match. This would make things on a level playing field and entirely ensure the luck idea wins through as both players are using the same dice.

This can be quite simple, implementations such as:

1) The first player's attack dice are used & the second listed player's defence dice (or vice verse)

2) The player's dice which are to be used determined by the player who needs the most attack / defence dice (and therefore should have them available)

3) Tournament provides standard dice... maybe too costly but could be performed for finals?? Neutral Dice so to speak.



There already are regulations for this, I believe. Just like with templates, players can request to share a set of dice for the game.


So I would be within my rights to ask to use my opponents dice? Great, thanks for the heads up.



Only applies to Rulers, Tokens and Templates... no dice mentioned here...

Range Rulers, Tokens, and Maneuver Templates Minor variations in the printing process and the existence of third-party products may cause slight disparities in the measurements of some rulers and templates. Before a tournament match begins, any player may request that a single range ruler and/or set of maneuver templates be shared for the duration of the match. Both players must agree on the set of maneuver templates to be used, as well as which side of the range ruler to use. The TO will have the final say in any decision. Third-party tokens may also be used, provided they are clearly recognizable and both players agree to their use.

Found the latest tournament rules... and you are right..

Sharing Components Before or during a tournament round, any player may request that a single range ruler, set of maneuver templates, and/or set of dice be shared for the duration of the round. Any decisions are subject to review by a marshal or a judge. The marshal may mandate that players must share a single range ruler, set of maneuver templates, and/or set of dice during a round.