Dar Hilzernod - is my mini broke?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Probably a stupid question, but I just got Dar Hilzernod in the mail and either he is broken or you have to put him together.

If you have to put him together what do you use for glue? (I have testor's model glude, but I thought you only use that on plastic?)

And yes, those are artscow Descent Quest decks sitting there!


Mine came in three parts as well, you have to glue them together. Any glue that can glue metal together should do, it should be mentioned on the glue package (in Germany glues based on cyan acrylates are very common for that).

I suspect that it is not broken as most larger pewter models are sold in multiple pieces. I would recommend using cyanoacetate (crazy) glue but I would recommend pinning the miniature before gluing. This entails drilling a small hole with a pin-vice drill in the two facing pieces and gluing a small piece of paper clip in place to provide strength to the model since I assume you will be using it to play. You can get pin-vices from Games Workshop stores or from Lee Valley Hardware as well as from many online retailers. They usually come with an assortment of bits. Ususally you will want to use a needle file to make sure the parts fit as tightly together as possible before gluing and you should remove any other flash (extra bits of metal) with a file or hobby knife before gluing also.

Here is a link to an excellent article detailing it out. www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp


All three of the large Lt figures from Road to Legend come in multiple pieces. And yes, they need to be glued together.

Don't forget that he has a horn: it's a little metal piece floating around in the package that needs to be attached to the hole in his face. I mention it because I didn't see it in your picture.

Pinning looks too complex to me. Super/Crazy glue will do the trick though?

I will not actually be playing with this guy. I just figured he was the only cool looking mini from Road to Legend so I'd get him to sit on the shelf. I had no idea I'd have to be "one of those guys"...not one of those Warhammer guys! (already had to do that for Space Hulk).

Got a vial of crazy-glue. The base and one wing are now attached. I could not get the other wing to stay though. So I guess I'll have to try and scrape the glue off it and retry tomorrow.

Not having a good impression with my 1st metal Descent mini! lol not to sure I'll buy any more to be honest!

Crazy glue should work (though pinning will help). I've used Crazy Glue on my metal mini's a lot and haven't had problems. Note that less is more with super/crazy glue. If you use too much it not only takes a longer time to dry but the bonding never works just right.


shnar said:

Crazy glue should work (though pinning will help). I've used Crazy Glue on my metal mini's a lot and haven't had problems. Note that less is more with super/crazy glue. If you use too much it not only takes a longer time to dry but the bonding never works just right.


I scraped the glue and tried again with less glue. It seems to be sturdy but I can see a bit of a gap where the wing attaches. Would it hurt do drip some more Krazy glue in there or is that a waste of time? Like I said it all seems to be sturdy.

Frog said:

I scraped the glue and tried again with less glue. It seems to be sturdy but I can see a bit of a gap where the wing attaches. Would it hurt do drip some more Krazy glue in there or is that a waste of time? Like I said it all seems to be sturdy.

It probably wouldn't hurt, but it probably won't help either. Especially if he's just going to be decorating your shelf and not being used to play.

btw, sorry your first metal mini experience was such a hassle! The labours you describe are not uncommon in the miniature hobbyist area, though, so I wouldn't be too harsh on the Descent minis themselves. The smaller ones that don't require assembly might be more up your alley though.

Steve-O said:

Frog said:

I scraped the glue and tried again with less glue. It seems to be sturdy but I can see a bit of a gap where the wing attaches. Would it hurt do drip some more Krazy glue in there or is that a waste of time? Like I said it all seems to be sturdy.

It probably wouldn't hurt, but it probably won't help either. Especially if he's just going to be decorating your shelf and not being used to play.

btw, sorry your first metal mini experience was such a hassle! The labours you describe are not uncommon in the miniature hobbyist area, though, so I wouldn't be too harsh on the Descent minis themselves. The smaller ones that don't require assembly might be more up your alley though.

I did not mind the plastic miniatures in Space Hulk, they were easy to glue assemble. But I don't think I like mulipart metal ones. Which is too bad because I bet the Kraken will be that way and that was the next one I think I would like.

Wait, he has a horn? Crap, I wonder if I threw that away :(

As for the "gap", you need to use some "green stuff" found at any hobby shop to fill it in. It's pretty cheap and easy to use.


shnar said:

Wait, he has a horn? Crap, I wonder if I threw that away :(

As for the "gap", you need to use some "green stuff" found at any hobby shop to fill it in. It's pretty cheap and easy to use.


I almost threw away mine. The horn looks like a giant piece of flash that broke off, until you realize it has this spiral thing running along it, like a tiny, stylized death mountain road.

Thundercles said:

shnar said:

Wait, he has a horn? Crap, I wonder if I threw that away :(

As for the "gap", you need to use some "green stuff" found at any hobby shop to fill it in. It's pretty cheap and easy to use.


I almost threw away mine. The horn looks like a giant piece of flash that broke off, until you realize it has this spiral thing running along it, like a tiny, stylized death mountain road.

I almost threw it away as well. But thanks to your responses I found it last night and will attach it with some Krazy Glue!

I looked in my packaging as well and found it between the plastic "fold" at the bottom. Whew!
