Moving out of terrain

By Drakthal, in Runewars Rules Questions

Hi everyone

So i just had a game where my Kari was hiding with her Heartseeker behind the forrest terrain. Is it true that for my opponent to be able to engage her, he either have to move all the way around. Or use 1 action to move into the forest, one action to move out of the forest and in a way that he is not engaged with any units, and then a third action to charge kari?

Sounds right to me.

My mate is beginning to complain that Kari with Heartseeker is overpowered :) Im trying to say that she cannot hit with high enough damage on her ranged attacks to be truly OP :) But with her being able to hide behind terrain she is a tought target to get a hold of.

Just remind him that when Ankaur Maro comes out he'll be able to do the same thing with a unit that can roll 4 white dice on some turns.

Also remember Kari's direct damage only goes off during a melee attack, so she needs to be engaged with someone.

True :) The problem for him was that i could simply keep Kari on the other side of the tray and then his big 6 tray unit reanimates could not get to her. Since it was the bounty quest and i had bounty on Kari in a 100 point game he had a problem.

2 hours ago, Drakthal said:

True :) The problem for him was that i could simply keep Kari on the other side of the tray and then his big 6 tray unit reanimates could not get to her. Since it was the bounty quest and i had bounty on Kari in a 100 point game he had a problem.

Well that's just a poor combination of objectives and point values. In a regular sized game you could just avoid her and starve her for targets while easily taking enough pts to win.

There's plenty of strategy in the game, sounds like yours was a good one. The heros are less of a factor in 200 point games. Your friend could also pull the same trick with his Archers. Shooting you using terrain as cover, as long as he has line of sight though