Divine Retribution and the Bleed Status effect

By dragon76, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi there,

Me and my friends are new to Descent but love the game so far. Had an interesting situation come up in our third game and wanted to get some other opinions on the situation and perhaps see what the general consensus was.

Character A has Divine Retribution. He gets attacked by a Master Ferrox who is further enhanced by Rage for one attack and as a result gets two bleed tokens. At the start of his next turn he rolls the requisite dice and bleeds out enough that he dies.

The question then is, was the character killed by an enemy and is DR triggered.

We came to the conclusion that a status effect that happens on a different turn would not count as being injured by the enemy and would not trigger DR but I was wondering if there are any arguments for treating it differently.

He definitely wasn't killed by an enemy figure, so DR shouldn't trigger.

James McMurray said:

He definitely wasn't killed by an enemy figure, so DR shouldn't trigger.


DR only triggers when the hero is killed by a direct attack from a monster. Indirect means (pits, bleed tokens, etc) would not trigger DR.

But I want to attack the darkness with Magic Missle!

Thanks muchly for your input. Like I said, that is the way we ruled it as well but always nice to get a second and third opinion.