How many passengers can you squeeze into a Starviper?

By Mark Caliber, in Game Masters

This is for an offensive combat operation and the expected trip will last between 35 and 48 hours (1.5 - 2 Days).

So how many passengers can you squeeze into a Starviper and expect to jump into immediate combat?

And yeah. I'm 'dead' serious about this question. (No pun intended :unsure: ).

One passenger for an extended period. Two passengers for a few hours, since the life support system can't keep up for very long.

With two, I'd give the pilot a setback or two, and the passengers are going to have upgraded difficulty and setbacks on anything they do. They're going to be packed in like sardines, and I'd probably keep a few setbacks after they exit due to everyone being cramped up.

As many as the GM says can fit. Personally, I agree with the Spatula, tho I would also make it hard on the sardines if the ship gets hit in combat too.

But if your GM says you can fit an entire stormtrooper legion with a marching band, then that's what can fit.

I think a starvipers cockpit is exceedingly small; I would only allow for one, and I would probably upgrade the check once and add two setbacks for the vastly cramped interior (just two setback for a sil 0 character). Travelling in this way is not recommended unless in case of emergency as a dedicated transport ship is generally better.

The takeaway message is it's doable for one passanger, if a touch intimate, but it should have large consquences as dictated by your GM.

I mean, we see Zeb and Ezra in a TIE fighter cockpit in Rebels, but they seem to get in each other's way quite a bit. I'd allow them to try and cram as many as they like, but I'd start adding setbacks and upgrades for a lot of the checks made while doing so. I might even toss a Resilience check in there to stay alert with overtaxed life support if I felt like they were really overdoing it. But I mean, breathers aren't that hard to come by, they might be able to bring their own life support to help alleviate strain on the ship's system. But basically, let them try what they might. Perhaps it takes a group coordination or leadership check to get everyone crammed in? Or maybe they can only do so if they eject the pilot's crash/survival kit? Or some people are literally in an unsafe area like a ladderwell inside the craft. So every time there is a serious maneuver, they need to maek athletics or coordination checks not to fall, or when setback get generated, teh strain gets suffered to all passengers as they bump into each other. There are a lot of ways to handle this sort of overcrowding. Get creative!

My Vehicle Ops: Cargo Handling supplement has rules for overloading. I've gone with that any vehicle could carry up to double its base occupancy (crew+passengers), but it gives Setback and possibly Strain if done so for long term. For long duration vehicles this would mean double bunking. For short duration vehicles, it means some people may sitting around without seats (Despairs or Threats can cause problems during combat). Also, being over base occupancy doubles the rate of consumption for consumables, if you are keeping track of such things.

I've also stipulated that people can be crammed in the cargo hold at 7 encumbrance each. Again, Despairs or Threats can cause problems for them especially during Pilot rolls.

On 6/13/2017 at 8:22 PM, Mark Caliber said:

So how many passengers can you squeeze into a Starviper and expect to jump into immediate combat?

Chainsaw available?

14 hours ago, 2P51 said:

Chainsaw available?

The Pilot has a sword and an axe. Is that close enough?

And yeah, Zeb and Ezra did fly a Tie/ln for a couple of minutes to bug out and escape a town overrun with Stormtroopers, but it wasn't pleasant for either of them.

The other hollywood example I can recall is an 80's Anime called Robotech were a young gifted but untrained pilot picked up a girl from mid air. While he was certainly a capable pilot before picking her up, the two of them made him completely ineffective at all but the most basic flying maneuvers. <shrug>

Sturn, thanks for the 7 Enc per person stat. That's a handy stat for emergency situations and IIRC the StarVipre has 12 enc of cargo so the second person could be stuffed in the boot. 2P51, is this where you were going with the chainsaw? :blink:

15 hours ago, 2P51 said:

Chainsaw available?

This is just it really. Why the hell would anyone willingly go into a combat situation crammed like this? I mean seriously, having 3 people crammed into a one man fighter is asking for disaster, don't they have any other ships? XD

1 hour ago, Mark Caliber said:

The Pilot has a sword and an axe. Is that close enough?

And yeah, Zeb and Ezra did fly a Tie/ln for a couple of minutes to bug out and escape a town overrun with Stormtroopers, but it wasn't pleasant for either of them.

The other hollywood example I can recall is an 80's Anime called Robotech were a young gifted but untrained pilot picked up a girl from mid air. While he was certainly a capable pilot before picking her up, the two of them made him completely ineffective at all but the most basic flying maneuvers. <shrug>

Sturn, thanks for the 7 Enc per person stat. That's a handy stat for emergency situations and IIRC the StarVipre has 12 enc of cargo so the second person could be stuffed in the boot. 2P51, is this where you were going with the chainsaw? :blink:

Mostly sarcasm, but my personal opinion would be anything beyond what a fighter sized ship is rated for would be every task Difficulty upgraded by each passenger beyond that. Just too easy to bump a switch or something you wouldn't. Given the size range of Star Wars species it's tough to put a number on. If they were just flying somewhere, but to play 'stuff a phone booth' I'm thinking at a point it just wouldn't be possible to engage in combat.

10 hours ago, LordBritish said:

This is just it really. Why the hell would anyone willingly go into a combat situation crammed like this? I mean seriously, having 3 people crammed into a one man fighter is asking for disaster, don't they have any other ships? XD

<shrug> <_<

Yes. There is a very spacious, very under-manned ship available for the "passenger."