Or dual welding the guard lightsaber pike things, cheesy maybe, possible?
Four armed species-dual welding double lightsabers?
As long as the Lightsaber isn't a two-handed weapon, it can be used with the two-weapon fighting rules. So under a strict reading of RAW, and also going on what we've seen happen in canon sources, yeah a four-armed species could totally do a two-weapon attack with two double-bladed lightsabers (and potentially benefit from their discrete Linked qualities).
A Temple Guard lightsaber pike, on the other hand, requires two hands to wield and is therefore ineligible for making a two-weapon fighting check, according to RAW.
However, I might consider just altering the rules for 4-handed characters—as long as they're using two of their hands each to wield such weapons, and the weapons aren't crazy like a missile tube or something, it's probably fine to just let them use two-weapon fighting rules. I've only ever had a Besalisk player character once, and she ended up using two blaster rifles at once, and it was fine.
Edited by awayputurwpnCan double lightsabers have the linked quality but have different crystals at each end?
I'm thinking of designing a crowd control type character, a minion masher...
17 minutes ago, TheShard said:Can double lightsabers have the linked quality but have different crystals at each end?
RAW, mechanically speaking, the double-bladed lightsaber has one type of crystal, but is narratively treated as having two. I would not allow my players to install two different types of crystal and also benefit from the Linked quality. The Linked quality is for a single weapon system, and two different crystals would essentially turn the lightsaber into two separate weapons
It would slow the game down too much, I fear. And I hate slow-moving games. So I would keep it RAW.
21 minutes ago, TheShard said:I'm thinking of designing a crowd control type character, a minion masher...
Then you need damage and easy crits. A double-bladed lightsaber can do that! Reduce the crit rating to 1 by modding the crystal, and then use a Jury-Rigged talent to reduce the cost of Advantage for the Linked quality to 1, as well
Now you just need 3 Advantage to activate the Linked quality and two separate critical injuries, taking out at least 2 minions with separate crits and probably another one (or two, or three) with raw damage output.
Reminds me of General Krell from Clone Wars
Edited by LukeStarkillerOf course, you don't need four arms to wield a pair of double lightsabers. Two arms is plenty, as the picture of Krell shows.
10 hours ago, TheShard said:Can double lightsabers have the linked quality but have different crystals at each end?
Nope. You're limited to a single crystal type at any given time.
Closest you can get is an attachment out of Keeping the Peace which lets you install a second kyber crystal, but it 1) eats up more hard points than a double-bladed lightsaber generally has once you account for the primary crystal, and 2) you have to switch between crystal types so you can't use both crystals at the same time.
10 hours ago, HappyDaze said:Of course, you don't need four arms to wield a pair of double lightsabers. Two arms is plenty, as the picture of Krell shows.
And of course Kao Cen Darach; even though it's pre-canon, he's still so cool:
^^I love how he tactically turns on and off the second blade of the double. I didn't catch that until the third or fourth time I watched it but it blew me away.
3 hours ago, Oden Gebhac said:^^I love how he tactically turns on and off the second blade of the double. I didn't catch that until the third or fourth time I watched it but it blew me away.
TrĂ kata!
6 hours ago, Oden Gebhac said:^^I love how he tactically turns on and off the second blade of the double. I didn't catch that until the third or fourth time I watched it but it blew me away.
Same here, dude! Good luck with dudes
On 6/13/2017 at 9:51 PM, TheShard said:Four armed species-dual welding double lightsabers?
Or dual welding the guard lightsaber pike things, cheesy maybe, possible?
Okay, first there is no "Dual Welding" in FFGSW there is only Two-Weapon Combat. This isn't a semantic difference it's a mechanical one and it's much different then other systems that have duel welding rules, once you get used to how the FFGSW system works a lot of things and why they are done in the way they are make a lot more sense. In any case by the RAW you cannot gain any mechanical effect from using two two handed weapons in Two-Weapon Combat because TWC is limited to one handed weapons.
F&D pg 217 Two-Weapon Combat
A character may opt to carry a pistol or a one-handed melee weapon in each hand, increasing his volume of attacks at the expense of accuracy.
When attacking with two weapons, the character must be using weapons that can each be reasonably held and wielded in one hand .
However, you can describe your combat encounter any way you want and can have a PC that uses two double bladed lightsabers in each of their two limbs, but you can only use the mechanical effect s of one or the other with each attack roll. This would apply to any weapon requiring two hands in the RAW, this is just the way the rules work.
Has this ever been answered btw developers?
2 hours ago, TheShard said:Has this ever been answered btw developers?
Closest to an answer on this was a question about a four-limbed species such as the Xexto or a droid with multiple limbs being able to attack with more than just two weapons. Dev answer was that per RAW you're limited to two weapons (primary and secondary), but as a house-rule if you wanted to allow more than two weapons, each weapon past the second was another increase to the difficulty, and that you'd need 2 advantage for each weapon that you wanted to hit with.
So if using three basic lightsabers to attack a minion group, you'd be rolling at 4 purple for the difficulty (base 2, +1 for the second weapon, +1 again for the third weapon) and you'd need to generate a total of 4 advantage on a successful combat check to hit with all three weapons. Add double-bladed lightsabers, and you're increasing the amount of advantage needed by a significant amount in order to trigger both the off-hand weapons as well as the Linked quality that you're highly unlikely to ever get them all to trigger in a single attack.
7 hours ago, FuriousGreg said:Okay, first there is no "Dual Welding" in FFGSW there is only Two-Weapon Combat. This isn't a semantic difference it's a mechanical one and it's much different then other systems that have duel welding rules, once you get used to how the FFGSW system works a lot of things and why they are done in the way they are make a lot more sense. In any case by the RAW you cannot gain any mechanical effect from using two two handed weapons in Two-Weapon Combat because TWC is limited to one handed weapons.
However, you can describe your combat encounter any way you want and can have a PC that uses two double bladed lightsabers in each of their two limbs, but you can only use the mechanical effect s of one or the other with each attack roll. This would apply to any weapon requiring two hands in the RAW, this is just the way the rules work.
There's plenty of double-bladed sabers that can be reasonably wielded with one hand (the Inquisitor double blades from Rebels come to mind), so someone with two of those could easily dual wield them. The double-bladed sabers in the F&D core book do NOT require two hands, only self-crafted ones with the rules from Endless Vigil do (those are more the style of Darth Maul's double saber with the longer hilt where two hands are better).
4 hours ago, Silim said:There's plenty of double-bladed sabers that can be reasonably wielded with one hand (the Inquisitor double blades from Rebels come to mind), so someone with two of those could easily dual wield them. The double-bladed sabers in the F&D core book do NOT require two hands, only self-crafted ones with the rules from Endless Vigil do (those are more the style of Darth Maul's double saber with the longer hilt where two hands are better).
I already covered this by pointing out that you can describe that your PC is using two double bladed lightsabres if you want but mechanically you can only gain the benefit of two one handed weapons when using TWC, even if your PC has four arms. I encourage you to send in a request for a rules clarification to Customer Service if you need another opinion of the RAW at: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/more/customer-service/
And I just pointed out that double-bladed Lightsabers do not have the two-handed quality in the F&D core rulebook. Seems like you're the one who should send in a request if you think that's incorrect.
So when making an attack with say a single lightsaber and a double lightsaber, you go with the harder difficulty right? So having one with the accurate quality when the other doesn't probably has no benefit?
25 minutes ago, TheShard said:So when making an attack with say a single lightsaber and a double lightsaber, you go with the harder difficulty right? So having one with the accurate quality when the other doesn't probably has no benefit?
The Accurate quality doesn't come into Difficulty. Boost dice and Setback dice don't figure into it at all; you simply take the higher Difficulty (as determined by how many total Difficulty/Challenge dice are present in each weapon's pool) and the lower Ability (as determined by the total number of Ability/Proficiency dice in each weapon's pool). I'm not sure there's any situation that would make one lightsaber Ability/Difficulty look worse than the other; this rule is usually used if you're using different skills like Ranged (Light) & Melee together (or Lightsaber & Melee, etc).
You should, therefore, "lead" with any lightsaber that has an Accurate rating, and if there's a lightsaber that grants setbacks for its usage, then use it as your follow-up weapon. All the Boosts and none of the Setbacks should be your aim
This makes perfect sense when you think about all the stories of how Jedi would sometimes use shotos in their off-hand, using them to open up a window for their main saber.
I'm trying to go for a besalisk defensive/minion masher build
I'm thinking 1 regular lightsaber and a doublebladed saber.
Trying to figure out if I'll have enough advantages per roll to justify another double instead of the single.
50 minutes ago, TheShard said:I'm trying to go for a besalisk defensive/minion masher build
I'm thinking 1 regular lightsaber and a doublebladed saber.
Trying to figure out if I'll have enough advantages per roll to justify another double instead of the single.
...a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they.
This sounds like a deliciously aggressive build. I would love see this character in action, and conflict heaping up! Much like the unfortunate Master Krell.
5 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:I'm not sure there's any situation that would make one lightsaber Ability/Difficulty look worse than the other; this rule is usually used if you're using different skills like Ranged (Light) & Melee together (or Lightsaber & Melee, etc).
If only one of the sabers has Cumbersome/Unwieldy and the wielder's Brawn/Agility < rating, then the Difficulty for that saber will be higher. It's a very unusual corner case.
So if I were rolling a single and a double, it would be standard diff plus one for the double? So three purple? And I'd need 3 advantage to hit with both weapons and to activate the linked quality?