I can't find this in the rulebook or reference guide: Is there an order in which things that occur during the "end of the round" are played? The reason I'm asking, after just my first play of the game, is this:
C yberdemon demon card
(2 argent) Rail Cannon: At the end of the round, perform an attack with 8 range, 2 black dice, and 4 red dice.
Sample Collection mission card
Place 1 (argent) on the demon card corresponding to each Priority Target.
Though the wording is slightly different, both mention they trigger or can be activated during the end of the round. My Cyberdemon had 1 argent before the end of the round, so the above matters to know whether or not it could use the Rail Cannon ability.
Mind you, I just played one game and have no idea if similar issues come up with other cards.