I have a question about this rule in faq. It states that hero can defeat himself if he is in any stronghold or near witch king even if he has cards in life pool. Is that so ? Heroes can use this rule to "teleport" himself to nearest heaven especially for one, i dont know her name who has a quest to go to mordor. Its always better to die and move one sauron token than travel through that perilous locations with monsters etc and die or must heal anyway with some bad stuff from peril cards ... Just go there, fulfil the quest and ... "hmm Im dead lets go back for free".
In other game situations it is the same ... as some hero goes through stronghold, make there a big fight that takes half his cards, its better to "die" and in one case move one space away.
I understand this rule when hero has no cards in life pool and cannot move, since it would be a dead-end, but at other times ... i say its heros fault not to prepare for this, and dont let him die voluntarily.
Q: What happens if a hero has 0 cards in his deck and not enough cards in
his hand to move to an adjacent location?
A: The hero will need to rest on his next turn in order to
get more cards in his life pool. If the hero is on a Shadow
Stronghold, within 1 space of the Witch King, or does not have
cards in his rest pool, he may voluntarily be defeated at any point
during his turn (since he cannot rest).