Separatist Knights

By copperbell, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Been thinking of a game idea set just prior to ANH.

I recall reading of a scene from the Tarkin novel about an installation attacked by Separatist forces.

By that I mean they used Clone Wars era warship and fighters but we're driven off.

My idea starts off with a group of characters who are being covertly inserted aboard the Death Star, they're present when Tarkin blows up Alderaan and wanted to see how a group would handle that and trying to stay hidden.

I'm thinking about revealing Erso's message reached them and throwing in a flashback revealing they started off on Scarif narrowly avoiding the resulting rebel fight having carried a copy of the Death Star plans as the Rogue One team had landed they left offworld narrowly missing the resulting fight.

Using the plans they've been modifying the weakness by establishing a transmitter to guide a missile down the shaft to cause the destruction of the Death Star.

Part of my adventure idea involves them encountering Obi Wan Kenobi making sure to tell him of their modification but assume when Vader killed him this failed.

That's why he got Luke to shut off the targeting computer as Obi-Wan was able to pass on the details resulting in Luke's "miraculous" shot and the destruction of the Death Star.

What do you think?

Too railroads?

The problem with working out the story like this before you actually start play is that, yeah, you're gonna be railroading the players in order to tell the story.

Why not make it so that there is someone, let's call him Clyde, who is searching for Obi-Wan?

Clyde really needs to get to Kenobi, so he tasks the players with locating "an old Jedi master" and bringing him to him.

Along the way, right after obtaining a location on the Jedi master (who the PCs may or may not surmise is Kenobi), Clyde somehow obtains the knowledge of the Death Star's weakness and squirrels in away, telling the PCs that he should get it to the Jedi master.

Then it's a matter of getting Clyde to Obi-Wan. But wait! Clyde is actually an inquisitor in disguise, and imprisons the crew in their ship once they reach Tatooine. He then goes and tries to kill Kenobi.

All of this can, more or less, happen alongside the story as your players choose the direction. Provided, of course, that you can get them to accept the simple mission of locating the Jedi master and to follow through with it :)

What would making this change in the story be other then replacing The Force's role in the Battle of Yavin with a piece of technology achieving the same effect? If you hate mystical elements in a story that much I suggusti switching the setting to another franchise. If you don't hate mystical elements in a story that much what is the point?

You never wondered what else happened to Obi-Wan whilst he was disabling the tractor beam since the others were effectively distracting the Imperials?

15 hours ago, RogueCorona said:

What would making this change in the story be other then replacing The Force's role in the Battle of Yavin with a piece of technology achieving the same effect? If you hate mystical elements in a story that much I suggusti switching the setting to another franchise. If you don't hate mystical elements in a story that much what is the point?

It could be both! The Force guides the missile to the intake, while the intentional internal sabotage does the rest :)

Also, Ben Kenobi disapparating into the Force, and then talking to Luke from beyond the grave, is pretty darn mystical in and of itself ;)