Why do people hate blue lightsabers?

By KungFuFerret, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Ultimate usually means the best example. It technically means final. Penultimate means second-to-last.

Calling Obi-Wan penultimate means he would be an inferior example to the ultimate example.



Well, it might just be an example of the weird ways people use English, but I've heard, and used, penultimate to mean "just shy of the best". "Ultimate" can also mean perfect, as in "once perfected, we'll never need another one; there can be no better." As Obi-Wan wasn't perfect, he'd be penultimate, just shy of perfect, the best flawed example one can present. Now, is Obi-Wan really that amazing? It can be hard to decide, and everyone will have their own opinion, but I don't think it's too strange to use penultimate to define him. Second only to perfect, which, by its very nature, can't truly exist. It might not be accurately the strictest definition of the word, but that's a pitfall of using words; one person's definition can differ from another's, or even the "accepted" definition.

Edited by venkelos

Would that make Mace Windu the antepenultimate Guardian?

I had to look that up to believe it, it does mean second to last, that's pretty funny. I did mean it as if he was a rival to the best, which I thought was just covering my tracks for Jedi from the extended canon I'm unfamiliar with. I stand by the statement that Anakin and Luke lost limbs wielding blue sabers, and that Obi-Wan died wielding a blue saber, which I think might lead to a subconscious animosity towards blue sabers. The original trilogy depicted stronger Jedi and Sith as wielding colors other than blue, so when people say "Blue is for p***ies", its just a reaction to the Hero's they love getting the axe sporting a blue light saber or dying out-right not even fighting with one. The latter of which is definitely a great scene and plot mechanic, but the blue saber lost to the red saber and that's what people see, not that Obi-Wan chose a more powerful form.

2 hours ago, Kaigen said:

Would that make Mace Windu the antepenultimate Guardian?

Nah, Mace Windu was most definitely a Warrior :D the ultimate one.



23 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Nah, Mace Windu was most definitely a Warrior :D the ultimate one.



Now I'm just picturing him yelling "SAY PENULTIMATE AGAIN! SAY IT ONE MORE *BLEEP* *BLEEP* TIME! I DARE YOU! I DOUBLE DARE YOU *BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP*, SAY PENULTIMATE ONE MORE *BLEEP BLEEP* TIME!! " While holding a purple saber to some poor dudes throat.

Luke only got a green lightsaber because the blue didn't show up against the Tunisian sky in the Tatooine scenes (early trailers showed him with a green saber before it was recoloured). As far as I'm concerned, lightsaber colour is (in-universe) simply personal preference. Sith use red ones because they're all trying to be "individual" and edgy. Blue and green also contrast well against the brown robes most Jedi wear.

Personally, I like blue ones. Green is OK too. Purple is fine for Samuel L Jackson, but not for anyone else. Any other colour is just a bit ... wrong, IMO. :)

16 minutes ago, AndrewGPaul said:

Luke only got a green lightsaber because the blue didn't show up against the Tunisian sky in the Tatooine scenes (early trailers showed him with a green saber before it was recoloured). As far as I'm concerned, lightsaber colour is (in-universe) simply personal preference. Sith use red ones because they're all trying to be "individual" and edgy. Blue and green also contrast well against the brown robes most Jedi wear.

Personally, I like blue ones. Green is OK too. Purple is fine for Samuel L Jackson, but not for anyone else. Any other colour is just a bit ... wrong, IMO. :)

Yes but you know as well as the rest of us, that Star Wars fans aren't happy unless they are given some in-universe reason for EVERY LITTLE NUANCE .

So no, it can't just be that this dude named Boba Fett happened to catch Han Solo, simply by tailing him, and then letting the EMPIRE actually catch him. Oh no, no he has to be upgraded to be a member of some super elite military race of butt kickers, so lethal that the entire galaxy quakes in their boots at the mere mention of the word *gasp* Mandalorian. Never mind that we see him easily get punked by Luke upon first meeting him, and then dying (yes I know the books retcon this, but screw those books), in the most comical, and lame way. NOPE, doesn't matter! He's an uber warrior! Lethal with a plastic straw! He can GLARE at you and kill a room full of people!

So yeah, of course they have to justify the color change with a lame in-universe rationale, because they freak out if the only reason they are given, has something to do with the real world limitations of the entertainment medium and technology.

I mean, just look at how many people flip their **it about how "OMG OLDER STAR TREK SHIPS PRE-KIRK SHOULDN'T LOOK SO FLASHY AND SLEEK!! THEY SHOULD ALL LOOK LIKE PLASTIC BOXES AND CUPS WERE ATTACHED TO STYROFOAM FRAMES! BECAUSE THAT'S HOW THE ORIGINAL LOOKED SO IT'S CANON THAT EVERYTHING PRIOR MUST LOOK WORSE!" Nevermind that Rodenberry would've been thrilled to use more advanced stuff, if he HAD it at the time.

So yeah, it doesn't surprise me at all. Though I do love your comment about Sith picking red to be "individual". Considering that's the ONLY color ALL OF THEM use, I find that irony most amusing. :)

I'm reminded of the South Park episode, where the emo kids decide to actually dance with the girls, because it had become the "establishment" to not dance. So since they were anti-establishment, to truly be a rebel, they would dance.

Now I wish to see a Sith who uses a plain old blue saber, just to throw everyone off. :D

13 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

Now I wish to see a Sith who uses a plain old blue saber, just to throw everyone off. :D

That would be a variant of Evil Overlord rule #29: I will dress in bright and cheery colors, and so throw my enemies into confusion.

1 hour ago, Garran said:

That would be a variant of Evil Overlord rule #29: I will dress in bright and cheery colors, and so throw my enemies into confusion.

And if Palpatine had followed that guide book, he might still be in power. :D

3 hours ago, KungFuFerret said:

Now I wish to see a Sith who uses a plain old blue saber, just to throw everyone off. :D

As you wish!


2 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

As you wish!


Doesn't count, it's a double bladed blue light saber not a plain old blue lightsaber

28 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Doesn't count, it's a double bladed blue light saber not a plain old blue lightsaber


*runs away and slams door*

But okay. Here you go instead.



Darth Vader and Darth Sidious both had blue lightsabers at times :)

12 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

As you wish!

I know next to nothing of the EU, who is that guy supposed to be?

57 minutes ago, KungFuFerret said:

I know next to nothing of the EU, who is that guy supposed to be?

Exar Kun , Dark Lord of the Sith and inventor of the double bladed lightsaber.

Edited by BipolarJuice
16 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Doesn't count, it's a double bladed blue light saber not a plain old blue lightsaber

Actually, yes, it does. Exar Kun started out with a single bladed lightsaber.


He later modified it into a double-bladed one. IT should also be noted that Ulic Qel Droma, also a Sith Lord at the time, used his original green lightsaber.


1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Actually, yes, it does. Exar Kun started out with a single bladed lightsaber.


He later modified it into a double-bladed one. IT should also be noted that Ulic Qel Droma, also a Sith Lord at the time, used his original green lightsaber.


the PICTURE wasn't of a sith lord wielding a plain old blue lightsaber, so nana nana boo boo, that PICTURE posted by awayputurwpn still doesn't count :P

I forgot that Kun hadn't invented his double-bladed saber until after his fall to the dark side. So that's 3 Sith Lords, I guess!

29 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

the PICTURE wasn't of a sith lord wielding a plain old blue lightsaber, so nana nana boo boo, that PICTURE posted by awayputurwpn still doesn't count :P

Look at his forehead. Note the Sith. Sigal on it.

25 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

I forgot that Kun hadn't invented his double-bladed saber until after his fall to the dark side. So that's 3 Sith Lords, I guess!

Yep, he modified his saber after his fall.

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

Look at his forehead. Note the Sith. Sigal on it.

Yep, he modified his saber after his fall.

completely irrelevant. the picture was of a Sith lord with a double bladed blue lightsaber not a plain old blue lightsaber so THAT PICTURE still doesn't count as fulfilling the request to SEE a sith lord using a plain old blue lightsaber, nya nya nya nya nya :P

I like blue light sabers, they look good.


Yeah, I still don't see much anti-blue blade bias (ABBB) but I have noticed that my friends tend to view anything outside of red/blue/green/yellow as weird. Not sure why they accept yellow but not purple, except that they think Mace (more specifically SLJ) was a special snowflake in demanding that color.

I absolutely love that for all the searching as for the reason that there were blue , red and green sabres, in the OT and everyone tried to justify the reasons there was green in the first place was X. This goes to show the need for the brain to see patterns. The Jedi had blue and green because of..... and the Sith had red because of..... The same thing goes to show why superstition comes about, that people see or invent patterns that arent there to make justifications of why the green existed, example Luke's power in the force increased and he switched from blue to Green when he made his own lightsaber, this gets backed up by the fact that Yoda also had a green saber when we see it in the prequels. The brain sees a pattern, then picks up the idea and runs with it , and all of a sudden it's fact.

Ultimately, it turns out that they used blue for the good guys and red for the bad guys, but blue didnt work for fighting sith the sky as backdrop, so they made it green. After all those other explanations, the real reason was much more mundane.