Store Champ Breakdown: Dengar/Tel, easy mode

By Tbetts94, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So since I got back from World's I've been evaluating what I wanted to run for Store Champs. My World's list was just too much of a mental drain to carry on for more than 4 rounds. In search of a list I ran Jax's Imperial A-Holes, modified Dash/Miranda, and RAC/Jax. I never felt that moment that like "this is the one", so I decided to go with my Worlds Squad, Kylo/Jax/Omega Leader. However, at the last minute I said forget this I don't want to be exhausted let's just run the Worlds Winning List and prove how broken the Jumpmaster is when I had no practice whatsoever with it.


Dengar (58) - JumpMaster 5000
Expertise (4), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), K4 Security Droid (3), Unhinged Astromech (1), Punishing One (12), Guidance Chips (0)

Tel Trevura (40) - JumpMaster 5000
Veteran Instincts (1), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), K4 Security Droid (3), Unhinged Astromech (1), Guidance Chips (0)

1st Round Opponent: Kari Kristinsson (Triple Defenders) [Loss]

Justin Phua said Defenders were his hardest matchup and I could see why. The nerf does nothing to them in this matchup unless your opponent screws up which he wasn't going to. Kari made 9th at Worlds in 2015, super nice guy! Hope to play him again! But I lost that one taking down Vessery and the Delta on the way for not too bad MOV.

2nd Round Opponent: Mitch Raab (Dengar/Fenn) [Win]

He's a local to my area, but I won this game with the initiative bid. First round engagement I barely had Range on his Fenn and blew him up with the torps easily then my Dengar just outlasted him since Tel provided the help on the damage curve.

3rd Round Opponent: Debra Solley

(Soontir, Whisper, Dark Curse) [Win]

Another local, she actually placed 10th at Kashyyyk. I have a pretty good tournament record versus her, but last tournament she got me good. I played the odds on the dice in that one knowing there was about 2% chance of Omega Leader dying and he then proceeded to die and the dice continued that trend in that game. Anyways, the past is the past. This game started out bad with the dice. I caught Soontir at Range 2 of both Jumpmasters with only Focus/Evade. So I'm thinking let's spend both torps, first one do with Tel strip a token, hopefully two, then shoot with Dengar to sneak the Crit through and kill Soontir. I rolled, blank, blank, blank, focus. So two hits after Guidance Chips and Focus and of course Soontir rolled out naturally. I shouldn't had torpedoe'd Soontir with Dengar after that, but I got frustrated and did another torp. Anyways, game goes along and she traps Tel. Full health Dengar is now facing her entire list: Dark Curse 1 Health, Soontir 2 Health, Whisper 3 health. Looking really bad with 15 minutes left. I finally kill Dark Curse, I then snuck a Damage through on Soontir, then I did this barrel roll she didn't expect to shoot an uncloaked Whisper at Range 1, (no mods cuz of her **** Rebel Captive), I get 4 naturals and she blanks! Now I'm in the lead and Soontir has to press the issue and she ends up Range 1 in Arc later and that's game!

4th Round Opponent: Mark (forgot his last name)

(Oicunn/Whisper) [Win]

Really good kid, I had the initiative bid and took it to kill Whisper before she cloaks. I won it pretty much won it on paper. He ended up accidentally flying Oicunn off, but game was over anyways. Would like to play him again when he's at his best and not tired, good kid.

5th Round Opponent: Kyle, I think?

(Norra, 2 B-Wings) [Win]

This meant he was 3-1 with B-Wings at this point and had an unconventional Norra build with Nien Numb and Expertise. He was not excited about this match up though and we both knew the outcome. His Evade dice was crazy and always rolling that 1 Evade, but it didn't matter, I took out a B-Wing first engagement, then took out Norra, then proceeded to take out his last one. Tel used his ability and I gotta say that is so disheartening for the opponent when they forgot about it. Good guy and he was just excited to do really good with that list.

45 people meant 5 rounds and Top 8 cut. I finished with a record of 4-1, 755 MOV and 3rd place in Swiss.

Top 8 Opponent: David Wong

(Palobtanni) [Win]

He tried to drag me through the rocks and at this point it's about 11pm and I said screw it let's do it. I go in and get 1 torp on Fenn and 1 on Palob. Fenn takes a direct hit and Palob gets down to 2. Next round of engagement was going to be difficult. He has the perfect chance to block me onto the rock. He tried for it but I made the move of the game of barely fitting a 1 bank in with Tel and a barrel roll to block my 3 bank with Dengar. That move let me get the angle to miss the rock but still take a green to get a target lock on Fel. Range 1 out of his arc and I blew him up. Dengar took some heavy damage from Ventress so I played the next moves safe and 3 banked away with both of them and killed Palob. I still had two torps off and was just a matter of time before getting Ventress. Got her with one later on and then Dengar's primary finished her.

Top 4 Opponent: Joe Desmond

(Error/Not Found) [Loss]

I like Joe enough to not say his list on here and he told me not too since he's running it at Gencon. Game can be summarized by me not having flown Jumpmasters really before that day and Joe having flown them forever and being one of the best Jumpmaster players in the World. Also a very untimely Blinded Pilot sealed the deal. I felt outmatched list to list beforehand and already got the prizes I wanted for the season so I was more than happy.

Top 4 out of 45 people at my first Store Champs I have ever attended is not too shabby. Jumpmaster is overpowered though. Not only is it easy to play, but it has a very high ceiling so a good player can use it to raise their play even higher. It needs another nerf big time. Only people I lost to was Joe of course, but Kari who also made the Final Table.

Edited by Tbetts94

Dengar is crazy broken. Jumpmaster, yes, but Dengar more so. His ability is just insane for ps9 ship with that dial. Able to solo Soontir, whisper, and dark curse, lol.

They need to fix his ability to only trigger on a hit, or only when a damage card is dealt to him, so you can deplete shields without repurcussion and he becomes powerful at the endgame. Kind of opposite of quickdraw who is powerful early game.

Anyways, good job. You still need skill to get to top 4/8 with Dengar/Tel, so dont downplay your ability. I've seen many just go 2-2 or 3-2 at the few store champs I've been too so far.

2 hours ago, wurms said:

Dengar is crazy broken. Jumpmaster, yes, but Dengar more so. His ability is just insane for ps9 ship with that dial. Able to solo Soontir, whisper, and dark curse, lol.

They need to fix his ability to only trigger on a hit, or only when a damage card is dealt to him, so you can deplete shields without repurcussion and he becomes powerful at the endgame. Kind of opposite of quickdraw who is powerful early game .

Anyways, good job. You still need skill to get to top 4/8 with Dengar/Tel, so dont downplay your ability. I've seen many just go 2-2 or 3-2 at the few store champs I've been too so far.

I really like that idea, I kinda wanna play test it and see if it nerfs him too much.

Thanks! I've won a local tournament series (5 tournaments over 2 months), and won a bunch of little tournaments (10-25 people), but I joined the game at the end of last Store Champs, so I didn't get to participate in them. At Regionals I placed 17th in a Top 16 cut, so this was the first time being in a cut and was kinda stoked haha. I know I'm pretty good, but haven't quite gotten the opportunity to show it yet.

Congrats. Nice writeup.

On 6/11/2017 at 7:34 PM, Tbetts94 said:

I really like that idea, I kinda wanna play test it and see if it nerfs him too much.

We can be 100% sure that whatever change they will eventually make will definitely "nerf him too much."

That's maybe the best, fix i've seen for denger. It's not to harsh not too soft.

The Goldilocks of fixes