Store Championships Deck comment needed

By Green Squadron 3, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi guy's have a Store Championships incoming soon im playing Qui/Ray deck for a long time... with leatest aquisitions the deck looks like this:

Echo Base, Hoth (Awakenings #166)

2x Qui-Gon Jinn, Ataru Master (Awakenings #37)
2x Rey, Force Prodigy (Awakenings #38)

2x Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber (Awakenings #41)
2x Rey's Staff (Awakenings #44)
2x Journals of Ben Kenobi (Spirit of Rebellion #41)
2x Force Speed (Spirit of Rebellion #55)
2x Makashi Training (Spirit of Rebellion #56)
2x Vibroknife (Spirit of Rebellion #57)

2x Your Eyes Can Deceive You (Spirit of Rebellion #107)

2x Defensive Stance (Awakenings #115)
2x Force Misdirection (Awakenings #116)
2x Riposte (Awakenings #121)
2x Deflect (Awakenings #145)
2x Caution (Spirit of Rebellion #100)
2x Guard (Spirit of Rebellion #103)
2x Synchronicity (Spirit of Rebellion #106)
2x Overconfidence (Spirit of Rebellion #130)

I would appritiate any comments

Looks solid.

Maybe get rid of journals for Illusions? They give nice defensive boost after all. And i would still consider Binds all things in monoblue if you can squeeze them, maybe instead of Overconfidence or Misdirections?

Journals are awesome.

After testing them, I wouldn't recommend to take them out.

For a mere investment of one resource you can have a damage, a resource or a card per turn.

The last thing (a card per turn) is utterly important vs Vader/Raider and Vader/Guard

Thanks for the imput im keeping overconfidence as a small counter for Poe/Maz to get rid of at least one Poe's dice... also Misdirection helps a lot against Vader(SOR)/Kylo and Rey 2x Padawan :)

I would suggest taking out Luke's saber and using a normal one, that way you can redeploy if you know a character is about to go down and it helps beef up the other. Take out defensive stance and put in some flanks, this works extremely well against a Poe/Maz or any deck faster than you. I don't think you want that many shield gen cards, it's focusing to much on quigon.

I would also remove the battlefield, most eisley is great for bouncing vibroknife and force speed back into your hand to, speed for econ that your opponent won't get, and vibroknife to help set up 2 action turns from Rey.

If you have it, I would also remove Rey's staff for one with the force. One of your characters is going to go first, most likely Rey, so the more you can swap out on her right before she dies with redeployables like lightsaber and one with the force (not really a redeploy but a support), the better. But that's to taste, if you like the staff more, keep it.

I include at least one with the force in my deck to help get a situational card back if the opponent is playing faster.

Edited by Hujoe Bigs

Rey's staff is not good. Definitely replace those for some Lightsabers.

Your Eyes Can Decieve You is also a little weak, maybe some Handcrafted Light Bows could serve you better.

Other than that, looks great!

As someone that used Your Eyes in a Rey/Quigon deck that won a SC, it's no where near weak. It's reusable dice modification. It's incredibly good. Slow but good. Rey's staff is also one of the best weapons on rey, makes her dice much, much more reliable. Those are both flavor to taste cards.