Genestrealer fluff question

By IAmWaldoMan, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Missing from the fluff is the time frame of a genestealer cults reproduction cycle. The methodology, general evolutionary pathways and goals are all covered well enough, but nowhere can I find information on how long it takes a genestealer embryo (of any generation/strain) to gestate, or how long a newborn genestealer (again, of any generation/strain) takes to reach maturity.

It’s for a Dark Heresy campaign where the players will be combating a new-ish cult (they may have released the patriarch), I want to know how fast they are capable of reproducing so I can pit them against the players accordingly.

It could be assumed that gestation and maturity is identical to the host in which case they players pretty much only have to find the Patriarch and who ever it has managed to personally indoctrinate.

On the other hand these things are supposed to be like Xenomorphs and have gestation and maturation rates that are super fast, which would lead to a much more sizable cult that grows with every passing day for the players to combat.

I’ve seen posts where people claim the rates are equal to the hosts or are at an unspecified accelerated rate, but nothing that is corroborated by a source.