I'm not satisfied with the way bionic arms and legs work. It seems extremely odd that someone with a bionic arm (or two bionic arms) can increase their strength value. A robotic arm can't get stronger unless you increase the power it uses and/or replace its contractive components.
Now a rationalisation of that was given to me along the lines of 'well it reflects their ability to control the arm better and punch harder'. Ignoring the fact that modern bionic arms are actually the reverse, being easier to over use them than under use them, it also creates a bizarre situation where someone at S60 automatically knows how to use a bionic arm perfectly, but someone at S50 with 2 more advances does not.
In my mind a bionic limb should have its own S value independent of the character. The character can still use their other arm with their normal strength unless they've lost both.
A small change is also that the limb in question adds +2 Armour to the location rather than TB (effectively subdermal armour implants from RT so can be stacked).
Bionic Arms also have two different 'qualities', strength and motor control. A guardsman may have a good quality strength and a poor quality dexterity, which reflects powerful pneumatic pistons to cause tremendous damage without the fine motor devices to manipulate objects.
So I'm replacing the bionic arm and leg with the following:
Bionic Arm
Gains +2 armour to limb. Counts as a natural weapon.
Poor Strength: S30+1D10
Poor Motor Control: 1/2 Ag for all fine motor skill tests as the arm only has a closed and open function. -10 to WS/BS tests using the arm.
Common Strength: 45+1D10
Common Motor Control: Suffer -10 to fine motor skill tests.
Good Strength: 60+1D10
Good Motor Control: Gain +10 to fine motor skill tests (including sleight of hand).
If the character possesses two bionic limbs they can no longer use their own SB for damage in melee (although they still use it to determine carrying capacity as the arms themselves don't really help). A character can wield two handed weapons with no problem as the arm can scale back its power output to match the organic one.
Bionic Leg
Gain +2 armour to limb. Counts as a natural weapon. Tests made to resist fatigue from Narrative Travelling will only accumulate a maximum of -10.
Use the same Strength quality as the arms above (you can kick opponents if you don't want to punch them).
Poor Motor Control: Halve Ag for movement and any fine balancing skill tests. Roll an Ag test after running to avoid falling over.
Common Motor Control: Suffer -10 to fine balancing skill tests.
Good Motor Control: Gain +10 to fine balancing skill tests and +20 to any jump tests attempted.
If a character possesses two bionic legs they add the legs' SB together to determine carrying capacity and don't suffer negatives to Toughness tests resist Fatigue for Narrative Travel.
For me anyway bionics can be just as individual and important as weapon types and should receive a little more attention, hence the above.