Anyone need a GM?

By Yaccarus, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I am a fairly new GM looking for a group.

When it comes to style/careers/specializations, I would like to only use Edge of the Empire, but I would allow you to use species from other games.

I can play online using discord, skype, roll20 etc.

As a high schooler on summer break, I would have plenty of time to write adventures.

I can draw characters... half decently. (Example uploaded)

I've ran about a dozen games with various groups, which seem to have gone fairly well, although only a handful are ones that I have written.

A few random house rules that I would like to use:

Choose your career/specialization/species first, because they often provide insight towards background/obligation/motivation.

Always choose obligation/motivation, don't role for it.

Den Mesko.png

Edited by Yaccarus
Lack of clarity

How often and at what time are you looking to play? (And time zone) I might be interested depending on the scheduling.

Also, what group size are you looking for?

Edited by TheGuardian118

I do! Well, if the time would be fitting for me, that is (I'm in CEST, which complicates things most of the time). Keep me posted.

I am in central time. (In America) Again, I'm on summer break, so I can really play at the convenience of you guys. My best guess for making it available for both time zones would be weekends: afternoon in America, evening in Europe, perhaps? It really depends on the specifics of your schedule.

As for group size, at least 3 would be nice, and I would be willing to go up to 6.

I'd be interested in this, considering I'm down to a single Star Wars game now (I had 3 at one point...). I'd need to know the scheduling you're planning, though, to see if I can make it (I'm from Europe so timezones might be a *****).

As for character concept? Well, you said you're cool with careers and specs from the other lines, so: Guardian/Armorer Mandalorian Human.

I think we had a bit of miscommunication here. Sorry if I wasn't very clear, but I said was the opposite. (I edited it now to be more clear) If you would be willing to change concept, that would be great. Otherwise:

One of the other people who asked to join is from Europe, so I will probably try to make a schedule that works for both continents. I can play whenever, (aside from my night, which would be your morning) Weekends would probably be the best option to work with time zones, so I had suggested doing Saturday/Sunday evenings. (for you guys, it would be afternoon in America) It really depends on what everyone else can do.

Woops, I somehow misread species as careers. How'd that happen...? Sorry about that!

Sunday evenings would work for me. I can change the concept without it really being a big deal at all (no Mandalorian Knight in the making but hey, I'll just use that concept in some other game). So how about... Technician/Outlaw Tech - for the race I'm a bit torn for this concept, either Zabrak (from F&D core) or Trandoshan (break the stereotypes, not all lizards are dumb!), expanding later either into Doctor/Cyber Tech or Gunslinger depending on how the actual game goes. How does that sound?

Edited by Silim

Nice. We'll have to see about when "TheGuardian118" and "EpicTed" can play, but hopefully this can work out.

I think I could do this Sunday late afternoon. I don't think I could do every Sunday though. Are you looking to play weekly/biweekly/monthly?

What's the estimated session length? I know it's hard to get exact times, but is the general goal roughly 2 hours or 6 or something in between. Lol.


(know you're always looking )

a. Probably 2-3 hour sessions, once or twice per week. More frequently if possible.

b. And what would "late afternoon" be? And in what time zone?

c. Also, to avoid spamming these forums, I created a discord server for the group: (Possibly temporary, but we could stick with it when we start doing sessions.)

I'm interested, but I'm in the middle of moving and have never done a game over voice chat before. I'll keep an eye on this though.

Unfortunately I don't think I could commit to that frequent of a game right now. I'll keep watching the thread though and if the scheduling here or my schedule changes I'll pop back in. I'm sure you'll find players though, especially as school lets out across the country. GMs typically have their choice in players due to the supply/demand ratio.

Also just a recommendation, I wouldn't take the discussion off the forum to discord till you get the group finalized and the schedule worked out a bit, or at least closer to finalized than it is now. Just in case things don't work out with a player or two you still want the public recruitment active. Up to you though of course. I wouldn't consider posting in the same thread spamming. Making multiple threads for the same thing would be spamming, but one recruitment thread is perfectly fine.

You should post on the star wars rpg server on discord!!

If you're still looking for players, I am interested!

Never played before but I am very interested! Time zone is PCT. Would love to join!

You’re about 1 year late.


17 hours ago, Yaccarus said:

You’re about 1 year late.

No time like the present right? I’d love to get a roll20 going if you start looking again.