Hello, Rogue Trader fans!
This week we take a look at the upcoming Lure of the Expanse adventures, focusing on that wretched port of scum...and opportunity. Footfall .
Hello, Rogue Trader fans!
This week we take a look at the upcoming Lure of the Expanse adventures, focusing on that wretched port of scum...and opportunity. Footfall .
Sounds interesting; and it is nice to know what the next book is going to be.
Personally I wanted a book on advanced starship construction and more xenos ships, but you can't have everything
Yes, we'll at last sink the Black..errr... Dread Pearl...
Is anyone else having problems viewing the picture that accompanies the article? It's too small and dark to see on my iphone, and it won't open on my PC...
Other than that, this sounds very exciting! I'd love to learn more about Footfall, and this sounds like it'll deliver that.
What I like about the FFG adventures is the amount of backgrond information and colour they cram into them. The First Haarlock's legacy book for DH had an excellent Quaddis Gazetter, and they did the same for Sinophia in the second book.
Not only am I highly interested in the adventures themselves but having a good Gazateer of Footfall would be worth it to buy this book. So to say that I want this one as soon as possible is an understatement. IT sounds like this book will be useful even after the adventure has ended. It also is a good tradition as most adventures of the Warhammer universe have some nice gazateers. Beginning with the famous TEW campaign of old.
Like others, I would have preferred starships getting more love as the first supplement, but I totally understand FFG producing an adventure first as there are considerable differences between Rogue Trader and most other RPGs. That being said, I love Footfall and the prospect of getting my hands on a supplement with a lot of information on it fills my tiny black heart with joy.
Yes, I have a desktop P.C. and a laptop, and neither of these show the picture in the article. This has happened before and I fixed it. But for the life of me, I can't remember how. It's quite anoying, but I don't think it's the website.
Anyone have a fix for this?
Mithras said:
Yes, I have a desktop P.C. and a laptop, and neither of these show the picture in the article. This has happened before and I fixed it. But for the life of me, I can't remember how. It's quite anoying, but I don't think it's the website.
Anyone have a fix for this?
Apparently there's a problem with the image its self or it's linked location. When I type in it's direct path, firefox tells me that the image can't be displayed because it has errors and when i have a look at it in the Page Info box, it has actual px x px values of 0. So, the problem's not on our end, it's on FFG's end I reckon.
edit: Okay, I think the problem with the image is a mix of us and FFG. While I couldn't get Firefox or IE to open/deal with the image even after I downloaded it to my hard drive, after I saved it in an image editing program, suddenly Firefox likes it as does IE. From the error message i was getting with FF and noticing that it was made on, or at least last saved on a mac and was created for print, not the web, my best guess is that it was saved and uploaded to the web in CMYK format instead of RGB format -and both FF and IE HATE the CMYK colour-space.
For those missing the image, I've made a temporary home for it until FFG fixes it on their side so everyone can enjoy it. It is apparently titled F ootfall On Arrival by Zach Graves.
The first thing I thought: "why am I looking at Gotham City?"
Nice fix, Graver, I can see the image now. Is that a teeny tiny little Hemlock class Eldar vessel behind the big Imperial ship? I like this picture, though it's still a bit dark on my screen... I'm quite excited about this book, I'm looking forward to learning more about Footfall.
Awsome! Thanks, Graver, for the expanation and pic. I will be a very happy camper when this book is in my hands. I am especially looking forward to all info on Footfall or any thing on Port Wander. Maps would be a very cool bonus too!
Thanks again!