grapple and soar

By wulf7, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hey there!

i hope this question wasn´t posted before.

i just wondered how grapple affects those soaring monsters in an outdoor encounter.

to avoid the 4 spaces in an attack a monster has to come down to attack. is it now affected by grapple? that would mean t looses his 4spaces advantage to melee fighters and could be attacked by tanks because it´s kept to the ground by grapple..

thanks for your answers!

I would swear I read in the "old" forums a soaring monster could be grappled if it swooped in to attack, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.


I am 'nearly' certain on that too. Just as it can be caught by a melee guard as it swoops.

I'd certainly argue in favor of it

Yes a soaring monster can be grappled when it swoops.

It is in the Official FAQ. A creature with soar that 'swoops' to attack will be grappled by a figure with grapple. The range remainings 1 and the creature is effectively at 'ground level'.

thank you very much!