Here's an army I've put together that requires just one Core Set and one of each Waiqar expansion pack available next week. I'm not sure if it's any good, but I wanted to get your feedback.
Reanimates (6 trays) [35]
-Necromancer [3]
-Blighted Vexillum Bearer [3]
-Lingering Dead [3]
Ankaur Maro [40]
-Heartseeker [10]
-Regenerative Magic [5]
Reanimate Archers (4 trays) [32]
-Combat Ingenuity [6]
Carrion Lancers (1 tray) [15]
-Rank Discipline [4]
Ardus Ix'Erebus [37]
-Shield of Margath [6]
-Ardus' Fury [1]
It's 200 points on the nose. General strategy involves sending my Reanimates at a chosen target with Ankaur Maro directly behind them. The 6 trays of Reanimates are focused primarily on staying alive through Necromancer and Lingering Dead, while Ankaur can add full trays to keep them going. With Heartseeker, he can still perform his ranged attack from behind the Reanimates to try to heal the damage wounds he takes from reanimating the fallen soldiers.
The others are there to fill points and to be a nuisance. Depending on my opponent's force, the Archers and the Carrion Lancer will either be blighting the Reanimates' target, or blighting somebody else to allow Ardus to close distance and start wreaking havoc.
So, given that this is just using core + one of each Waiqar expansion, do you think it's alright? Is there anything you would change? I'll definitely be getting more expansions in the future, but it could be a while. My other option would be to buy a second core, so if you think that's a better buy, let me know why you think so.
Thanks in advance!
Edited by ParakitorEdited for clarity