Clarification on Shistavanen "Hunter's Instinct"... what does it apply to?

By Zero Trellian, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

The Shistavanen species in the Forged in Battle Soldier Sourcebook (pg 26) lists the following ability:

Hunter's Instinct

When making a check for Initiative, a Shistavanen may make a Survival check instead of a Discipline or Cool check.

I bolded the Discipline in the description, because I think it might be a typo. When would anyone make a Discipline check as part of Initiative? The way I figure it, it is probably supposed to read VIGILANCE and Cool, but I would appreciate some clarification. As an 80 exp race, the ability HAS to be pretty powerful to compensate for the experience deficit, but I am not sure exactly how it is supposed to work.

Alternatively, it could be that Shistavanen are allowed to roll Survival instead of Discipline or Cool checks, but then why would it specifically call out "when making a check for Initiative" (which has no bearing on the Discipline skill)? Or perhaps there is some obscure way where Discipline CAN be used for Initiative? Does that exist?

Maybe the Shistavanen are allowed to use Survival for Initiative, Discipline, AND Cool checks? That seems far fetched to me, but the wording on the ability is not really making sense.

Can anyone provide some input into what the Devs intended for this, or is there some errata somewhere with further information?

Many thanks

It's most likely a copy-paste error from the One With Nature talent in the Trailblazer spec, and should read "Vigilance or Cool".

My guts says the same, but I'd love to know if there is any official errata on the subject.

Errata? For AoR? Ha!

Confirmed mistakeg it should be Cool and Vigilance.

Fairly sure that when the Order 66 guys were discussing the book with a couple of the devs, it was confirmed that it should be Cool or Vigilance that gets replaced with Survival.

Good old Order 66, the unofficial errata for FFG. The usual response is "it will be fixed in the next print run" probably the worst managed element of the FFG system is FAQ and errata.

On 7.6.2017 at 5:56 PM, Richardbuxton said:

Good old Order 66, the unofficial errata for FFG. The usual response is "it will be fixed in the next print run" probably the worst managed element of the FFG system is FAQ and errata.

No kidding. I always never listen to the Order 66 podcast with the book open and a pencil in hand to make some errata on my own, because something invariably crops up.