Final ST Audiodrama episode: "Suicide Run"

By Babaganoosh, in X-Wing

16 hours ago, GreenDragoon said:

I just started listening to them after you talked about it in the recent Mynock episode, and I really like them. Just finished Splendid Wind and tomorrow I'll have time for the suicide run.

It's really entertaining and I have to say, I do like the story

Thanks! I think hearing what people say about it really does give it credit more than anything we can say about it. I find it funny when I want to share it with people, but it sounds really dumb. I mean, "Hey, do you want to listen to an audio fan fiction me and a few friends did? It's really No, I don't live in my Mom's basement."

11 hours ago, DeathstarII said:

Well holy cow that was amazing and I so wish I could go to the gencon event. But oh well, I'll see if the people where I play would wanna give the campaign a try

I think the best way to do it is to find the guy who is the usual TO for your area. Talk to him/her about doing something different after all the Store Championships. They might have heard about the event since we have been on Mynock and Scum and Villainy now. Gold Squadron plug is going to come up soon. might not be too much of a stretch. I find if you can get a couple of the key people in the local scene involved, the rest usually jump in, too.

We put so much effort into this that I hate to use it only for the 40 people at GenCon. I've never been there and always hate it when everything cool is always done at the same insular events that I was never able to attend. I hope that people all over want to run this and give it a try. I hope they let us know how it works, too.

10 hours ago, ScummyRebel said:

This was my favorite of the series.

Mine, too! Thanks!

Really enjoyed being a part of it :) you should use us again next time around!

14 hours ago, DeathstarII said:

Well holy cow that was amazing and I so wish I could go to the gencon event. But oh well, I'll see if the people where I play would wanna give the campaign a try

Cool! We'll be releasing everything you need to run this after Gencon. we also want to do a web based campaign

I just found out about these and listened to all 4 back-to-back. HOLY COW! This miniseries was AMAZING! Fantastic job, fellas! You are doing amazing things for the community. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!