Grading out Army Builds/LoadOuts

By docForsaken, in Runewars Tactics

Has anyone started grading out potential builds and load outs for 100 and 200 point armies? I'd love to start discussing/debating the merits of different build options...

We have three guys locally who are playing this a lot at 200 points. One is running all Daqan, one is running Waiqar with no significant archer presence, and I'm running archer heavy Waiqar. We still don't feel like we have figured out archetypes

As bad as it sounds, I feel like we're still waiting to see what list wins the first big tournament. Once that happens, the meta will shift considerably.

its also early enough where people are still "preying on stupidity" because we dont know the ins and outs as well as we do xwing or armada by now.

That kind of play where something sounds overpowered but is in reality easily avoided doesnt work in xwing because everyone knows how to avoid that crap. Not so much in RWM right now.

I still believe the giant blobs of Deathstars are only a thing right now because of the limited unit access. I suspect even by the time we get the Uthuk the Deathstar mentality wont be as common.

I'd rather have 2 2x2 decked out spearmen than 1 3x3 decked out spearmen. Virtually the same cost, technically deadlier overall, lacks shield wall numbers though.

I want some crowd-sourced voting on the meta... something like TopDecks ( ) for Hearthstone. I love that stuff. The one site that I've seen linked up is pretty janky. I should start programming one up in my free time lol.

So far, there doesn't seem to be any clearly dominant strategy.

There are a few units that do well in most situations, but so very much of this game depends on the deployment/objective combination and what your opponent is using vs what you may have specialized in that I have my doubts about any clear, concise, limited "meta" ever forming.

The moment you start to feel comfortable in some semblance of a Daqan/Waiqar meta, you'll start facing Latari. The moment that becomes comfortable, some Uthuk are gonna come running at you screaming.

I've also noticed that, in this game, the list you take generally doesn't matter as much as the decisions you make with it based on the board state.

It's a well-balanced game, and well-balanced games aren't easy to pigeonhole.

Yeah, I've found it's difficult to get a sense for relative strengths when the big turning points in a game are so often "I deployed poorly" or "I was outfoxed in the planning phase".

So we have determined that there are no strong lists. Are there any weak lists, unit combos that just don't seem to work?