Base Building - Mixed EotE, AoR, F&D

By P-Dub663, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I have a mixed bag of a party. We're creeping up to the end of the first major campaign that netted the party 100 xp over two months of weekly sessions. The next thing I'm thinking about doing is having the group put down roots for a little bit. The first campaign has taken them from Teth to Ossus, Gamorr, Shola and Nar Shaddaa. I'm looking for a place where they can lay low for awhile and let things cool off. The general idea I had was for them to find a small cave on some backwater world in the Outer Rim and turn it into a fully functional base over time. I've read over the AoR book about having a rebel base with lackeys and whatnot. I'm wondering about the actual "physical requirements" to dig out the side of a mountain.

Any thoughts on how this would be done? Laser boring machines? Droid miners? Blasting with explosives? I'm kind of thinking about something similar to the base on Hoth. I just don't know how they actually built it.

One I have always liked is Old Crashed ship on Jungle Planet overgrown. Could be a Cap ship that they explore when they have time.

Any of your choices would work. It would be likely to start the base with a natural cave system, or an abandoned mine, then enlarge it as needed. You could give the base to the players at basic level, and describe a variety of droid which are continuing to mine and enlarge the base. This provides a convenient excuse when the players want to add facilities. Rather than converting unused space, the droids just finished a new section, and you install new equipment as desired.

In my current game, I plan to give my players a long-abandoned Republic meteorological research station on a deserted planet.

On 6/5/2017 at 1:04 PM, XGrifterX said:

One I have always liked is Old Crashed ship on Jungle Planet overgrown. Could be a Cap ship that they explore when they have time.

My last F&D game, the base was a scrapped Victory SD on Ord Mantell....

I'm thinking more along the lines of them building something from scratch. Last night I sat down and came up with an array of facilities the PCs could build and install inside their stronghold. I won't spam the whole list, but if you'd like to see, I'd be happy to share.

Anyway, the idea is there are a variety of ways to produce power. That electricity is then used to power other parts of the base. So a micro-fusion generator that generates +1 power would power something with a power rating of -1. This will give me plenty of "stock" adventures to write up for the PCs to go through over the coming months. They can raid imperial transports for materials and supplies, as they accumulate ships and speeders they can be stored in the hangars and garages, plus they'll need to maintain barracks, food, water and mining droids to keep expanding and staffing their base. Almost like in the original X-Com.

It sounds like a fair amount of work and bookkeeping involved but your premise seems promising.

11 hours ago, Oden Gebhac said:

It sounds like a fair amount of work and bookkeeping involved but your premise seems promising.

Yeah, I intend to utilize a white-board for resource monitoring and there will be a square grid battle map that will actually have the base drawn on it. I was thinking about making little cards that represent each facility of the base. Maybe do up a bit of artwork on them to make them look like the NPC cards you can buy from FFG.

15 hours ago, P-Dub663 said:

I'm thinking more along the lines of them building something from scratch. Last night I sat down and came up with an array of facilities the PCs could build and install inside their stronghold. I won't spam the whole list, but if you'd like to see, I'd be happy to share.

Anyway, the idea is there are a variety of ways to produce power. That electricity is then used to power other parts of the base. So a micro-fusion generator that generates +1 power would power something with a power rating of -1. This will give me plenty of "stock" adventures to write up for the PCs to go through over the coming months. They can raid imperial transports for materials and supplies, as they accumulate ships and speeders they can be stored in the hangars and garages, plus they'll need to maintain barracks, food, water and mining droids to keep expanding and staffing their base. Almost like in the original X-Com.

Please share the list, would be interested to see what you put together.

As Requested.

Please keep in mind, this is just a rough outline. I'm still working out how to balance the power production against the facilities, plus how much manpower (NPCs) are needed to staff each facility.

Base Facilities.xlsx

15 hours ago, P-Dub663 said:

As Requested.

Please keep in mind, this is just a rough outline. I'm still working out how to balance the power production against the facilities, plus how much manpower (NPCs) are needed to staff each facility.

Base Facilities.xlsx

Link doesn't seem to work. Really interested though

I wouldn't just go with an empty cave. It could be something like the underground ruins of a past civilization or an abandoned mine (as mentioned above). This will not only add some flavor to the description, but allow you to later implement some fun ideas. Perhaps the abandoned nature of the mine is discovered as expansion opens a wall into a hive of creatures? Or, sealed off room is discovered in the underground ruins. What is behind it? Treasure? Dark force altar?

That worked P-Dub, thanks. Nice work on that

My particular favorite is the sauna base building :)

Edited by fist

Reworked the morale mechanic for my game. Instead of making it a number that fluctuates based on events, I changed it to add blue dice to skill checks. So a sauna will give all of the NPCs in the base one blue, and the cantina will give them a second blue. Therefore, if they're out hunting or defending the base, the troopers could, in theory, have +2 blue dice for their checks.

Next up will be NPC characters. As time progresses I expect the party to recruit people to help keep the base functioning. For example a Mon Calamari technician would be great to have around to man the hangar. The gymnasium and the target range will allow NPCs to start training their abilities to be more useful. So if the Mon Cal tech spends a week at the shooting range, he can increase his ranged: light skill to include more dice. I'm thinking that most of the NPCs will be of minion status, so as they train, they'll start adding green dice to their pools to a maximum of 4. YGGGBB sounds like a respectable dice pool for minions who will be defending the base against potential attacks. This will also give the Mandalorian leader something to use all of his command abilities on.

Has anyone tried using the crashed Separatist ship from the Beyond the Rim adventure?

7 hours ago, P-Dub663 said:

New updates / additions:

Base Resources

Base NPCs

Base Facilities Descriptions

Base Facilities

Please let me know what you think! We're going to kick off this adventure on Saturday! I know my group is super excited.

Can you post these not in Drive? Or publicly available?

2 hours ago, Edgookin said:

Can you post these not in Drive? Or publicly available?

Sure, give it a try now :)

Edited by P-Dub663

This looks like the start of what I would like. Do you have more stuff written for base sizes, costs, construction times, etc?

Not yet. I'm moving in that direction. The next part will be detailing how the caverns of the base are dug out. IE: A mining droid with 4 brawn would roll 4 green against two purple. Every success relates to two inches of excavated cavern on the white board. Each "size" requirement relates to a two inch increment. I settled on two inches so I'd have enough room in the box to write a description / doodle something. So for excavation, using explosives might be an intelligence check plus a bonus die or two. Mining droids would have a high brawn against the base difficulty of 2 purple. Picks and shovels would rely on brawn again, but have a setback die added to the pool. I was figuring on "build times" being based on size. So a facility with a size of 1 would take one week to construct. A large hangar with size 4 would take 4 weeks to construct after excavation.

On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 3:58 PM, P-Dub663 said:

New updates / additions:

Base Resources

Base NPCs

Base Facilities Descriptions

Base Facilities

Please let me know what you think! We're going to kick off this adventure on Saturday! I know my group is super excited.

Good job with this. Just curious, have you consulted with any military veterans on this?

I have included some recommendations and ideas in case you want to use them. Hopefully this becomes helpful for you.

For power generation:

Hydro-electric power should be available, as well. It would be reliant on running water, either above or below ground.

Coal/Fuel based generators should also be considered, especially in places that lack technology and other renewable forms of power.

Basic Facilities:

Hydroponics bay should also provide a morale boost or two. Not only would the food be fresher, but having a green space can be a place for meditation and comfort.

Research area- like the version in the official books, a research area can be useful for a base. I'm putting it as a catch-all, but a research area will be dedicated to one specific skill area. Multiple research areas could stack, giving a better bonus for specialized topics, or be focused on wide range of information

Minor Landing area/platform- Unlike the Hangar, this is an open air that is "outside". The biggest restriction is securing the area, but the trade off is that larger vehicles can land. To me, this should be ranked from 1, which represents fused earth/cleared field to ones used by various civilized planets for the large cargo liners and such. More the military, these tend to be small enough to avoid detection or dismissed as too small to hinder an operation.

Core Server (Light)- A more specialized version of the Computer core, Core Servers are used to compile and coordinate information on a few topics. Usually, it is assigned to specific rooms that share a common theme (logistics, personnel, research, communication, and so on).

Major Expansions

Hydroponics Farm/facility- A larger version of the hydroponics bay, this is intended to provide long term sustenance. Some facilities are also used for export, especially items that are hard to find or extinct.

Major Landing Area/Platform- Same as the Minor version, including the facility rank, a Major trades off concealment for capacity.

Training range- The bigger cousin to a practice range, the training range is for vehicles and unit training. Has to be specifically designated for a unit type (troop, ground vehicle, artillery, and air vehicle). This boosts a facilities defense as it represents unit being extremely familiar with the terrain as well as provide a decoy for an invading force.

On 6/5/2017 at 2:46 PM, P-Dub663 said:

I have a mixed bag of a party. We're creeping up to the end of the first major campaign that netted the party 100 xp over two months of weekly sessions. The next thing I'm thinking about doing is having the group put down roots for a little bit. The first campaign has taken them from Teth to Ossus, Gamorr, Shola and Nar Shaddaa. I'm looking for a place where they can lay low for awhile and let things cool off. The general idea I had was for them to find a small cave on some backwater world in the Outer Rim and turn it into a fully functional base over time. I've read over the AoR book about having a rebel base with lackeys and whatnot. I'm wondering about the actual "physical requirements" to dig out the side of a mountain.

Any thoughts on how this would be done? Laser boring machines? Droid miners? Blasting with explosives? I'm kind of thinking about something similar to the base on Hoth. I just don't know how they actually built it.

This dovetails in nicely with an idea I had for a party base in a hollowed out asteroid in the middle of nowhere. My idea, was, either through purchase or thievery, or provided by the Rebellion as a Duty reward, they are given enough basic materials, and a couple single purpose droids (digger/construction/etc), to hollow out a base of their own. I'd have it take some time, and basically let it happen off-screen while they do another adventure or two, and each time they come back, show how the base has progressed further. This would allow the stuff to get done, without requiring the party to be on-hand to do it.

I like these rules so far is there any way we can get NPCs that are more Edge and F&D focused? Also how about adding a slice of area into the base?

Edited by Lotr_Nerd

You can make your NPCs whatever you wish them to be. Even using the NPC Cards published by FFG will give you what you need.

I personally use base human stats and train one skill for them. Then every 5 troopers works as a group of minions for the PCs. We ran our first encounter last night with some Rebel trooper NPCs, and they did just fine.

A slicer might be 2-2-2-2-2-2 with computers 1

A thug would be 2-2-2-2-2-2 with brawl 1 or melee 1