Expansion news from Nexus
nice!! thanks for the link!!
Hmm... sounds interesting. Will wait for further news.
Nice find. I can't wait for more info and pictures. The description does not give much away other than the "mood wheel".
very cool thanks for the link
Wait, wait ! I still haven't got the game !!!
what are you waiting for?? chrismas???
get the game!! it's really excellent!
Prob is, some of my friends PLUS my woman don't like map conquering games... that's pretty annoying...
...meanwhile, I bought the complete works of Howard !!! So I can read it !
Anyway, that game is on my wishlist, that's for sure.
nice!!! good reading!! it is really amazing!!
Hem said:
Prob is, some of my friends PLUS my woman don't like map conquering games... that's pretty annoying...
...meanwhile, I bought the complete works of Howard !!! So I can read it !
Anyway, that game is on my wishlist, that's for sure.
I find this game to be different in the map conquering theme. There is a fair challenge even in the conquering of neutral provinces. If you do not consider your moves carefully and plan your invasions in advance, you might very well be wasting valuable resources.
I don't know why your friends and lady don't like conquering games, but by my taste, this one is different. They might like it. If you feed the rules slowly, and consider your first game as being purely for introduction, I suspect you might get a positive response.
...or get to hate it even more than the others.
Hey, thanks for the feedback, Tretiak
nice of you.
I'll get it anyway... I'll get it. ****
Gwanum said:
Nice find. I can't wait for more info and pictures. The description does not give much away other than the "mood wheel".
This expansion gives much more depth to Conan's adventures... but it has some other surprises too
If the base game was good, with this expansion is a must have...
amadou said:
Gwanum said:
Nice find. I can't wait for more info and pictures. The description does not give much away other than the "mood wheel".
This expansion gives much more depth to Conan's adventures... but it has some other surprises too
If the base game was good, with this expansion is a must have...
Are you an insider ?
Or black lotus user, dreaming of untold dreams
Dam said:
Or black lotus user, dreaming of untold dreams
Prolly both.
So any news on the expansion ?? Looks like it has been canceled...
What was it about? The link is no longer functional.
I would love to know more about this product. What will it add to an already great game?
The Expansion was canceled & if you believe BGG News Nexus is following it into the void.
Conan as a Game seems snake bitten ,Moongoose Pub.had one that never got out of the planning stages,AoG was not it appears a huge success salewise.All this is a shame as Hyboria is a great game world.
I get my Conan fix using 6mm troops & HoTT System Table Top Rules.
What a shame. I love the Age of Conan board game.
I wonder if FFG would be able to pick-up the Conan license from Nexus. I'd love to see a variable tile/board game of Conan adventures. There are several key heroes in the Conan mythos, and it'd be cool to have a game where the players play these characters on a variety of flavor-text adventures, a-la Mansions of Madness.
The topic about a Conan license is a controversial one. Robert E. Howard has been dead for such a long time that any works created by him are now public domain. However, some companies have managed to get a license on "renewed" versions of REH's works.
It's a legal jumble. I wonder if Nexus ever had a license - or whether one is even needed for a sequel.