I should probably know this answer but making sure. You can discard as many cards as you want for Aurra's ability right? So 3 discards means increase her range by 3 right?
Aurra Sing?
It looks like according to the card you can discard exactly one.
Edited by RookiePilot
Yikes! Yeah, it's just once per die.
Can you even imagine if her ability was a free non-color non-side restricted No Mercy?!
Edited by RJMI know right?
She's really nasty anyway! Too bad Maz and Snap are both heroes, so there's no real great combos for her, otherwise she'd be really powerful! I guess the combo with Bala might be pretty good. Not sold on mono-yellow villain, but at least Aurra will be trashing almost half your cards per round anyway.