Hey all. I've been around the usual places looking for an answer to this in hopes of resolving it. I've had no success with my local store and they have requested a ruling on this for clarity. We're at the point where we all agree to disagree, but they're going to have to make a ruling in the store championship.
2 scenarios.
1:Hero has force illusion and 2 shields. Villian has a 2 damage die and applies it to hero. Hero elects to play Force illusion. Can he play it and discard 2 and keep his shields?
2: Hero has force illusion and 2 shields. Villain has a 3 damage die and applies it to hero. Hero elects to play force illusion. Can he play it and discard 3 to keep his shields?
I honestly cannot recall what the local ruling will be for scenario 1, but I have been told that the local ruling for scenario 2 will definitely be that you can play illusion and discard 3 to keep the shields because damage will be taken, therefore force illusion applies.
It makes a pretty significant difference in a lot of decks. With riposte and quigon's ability, it could fundamentally change a game to strip him of shields. The store owners are in agreement that shields will stay and are supported by many players. Other players are in total disagreement. We have all agreed to remain calm until any sort of ruling, but until that time, shields stay in that store.
Help me FFG, you're my only hope.