A question about the world!

By tfkimmortal, in Runewars Lore and History of Terrinoth

This is supposed to be the same world as the other runewars game and decent correct? I like playing elves, but not necessarily wood elves, is there another faction of elves in this universe? The box for the none miniatures game has art of elves that look more like high elves; can I has? :D

(I'm not familiar with the lore at all and browsing what came in the starter box didn't give me the answers I seek)

I don't know enough about other fantasy elves to be able to do a comparison. However, I doubt you'll see anything outside the Latari Elves for this game. There are 11 tribes of elves in this game, and the Latari Elves are but one of those. The other is the Ynfetaar, the shadow elves. Not much is known about them. The other 9 tribes are a complete mystery. While it's possible to see these other tribes developed, they've never been part of other games as far as I can tell.

In summary, it's possible that a "high elf" tribe exists in the world, but it's doubtful it would make it into this game.

So your saying there's a chance ;)

Doesn't something mention elves from the free cities? I guess those wouldn't necessarily be a cohesive tribe, more like castaways and roaming individuals from the wood elf tribes.

I thought the Latari were the last tribe left after the others were wiped out by the dragon lords in the 2nd age of darkness...?

2 minutes ago, OzKillswitch said:

I thought the Latari were the last tribe left after the others were wiped out by the dragon lords in the 2nd age of darkness...?

Perhaps. All I know is that Maegan Cyndewin is supposedly the "last remaining soul with a rightful claim to the Shadow Tear, the Ynfetaar." Well, that's what the Rune Age rules said, anyway. Back then I thought it was some artifact, and maybe it used to be. Now, however, the Shadow Tear or Ynfetaar appears to be a lost tribe of elves -- those that fell to darkness. So either that line in Rune Age is now obsolete, or she is the last of the bloodline of the evil elves.

Dark elves!

The way i read it, all it says in RuneAge rules:
"At his side sits the controversial Maegan Cyndewin, the
half-elven sorceress and the remaining soul with a rightful claim
to the Shadow Tear, the Ynfetaar."

So it says :
At Lord Aenoeth's side sits one half-elven mage, named Maegan Cyndewin

the remaining sould, named Ynfetaar, that has rightful claim for a territory or land named Shadow Tear.

Hmm. That's not how I parse it. Oh well. Rune Age's lore is basically obsolete now.

I think each tribe had an artifact, and though the elves have it none of them can wield it except her, because she has blood from that lost tribe. There may be other dark elves surviving out there, her parent was one of them after all, but it isn't like the Latari are going to hand the artifact back to them to use.

I find it more curious that one of her parents was from a human barbarian tribe with close ties to the elves, that was willing to join with a dark elf, a traditional enemy of their friends.