Vassal Summer Tourney 2017 - Round 3

By Green Knight, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I'm taking a pretty intensive course this week, with an exam on Monday.

I'll try to update the score board as time permits.

I only had one ship....... A Mile long!

two Gladiators came..... I killed them both!

He surrounded me with Squadrons ..... I killed them all!

I only rolled 3 damage..... 7 times with z95s!

My liberty was Damaged... I fixed it all!

My corvette hit an asteroid.... it was jainas light!


Dr Alex Vs @NebulonB

nebulon b was first player, we played my fighter ambush. That meant my Biggs ball started far forward and yavaris dashed forward to activate them turn 1. How's that for a nose punch?

Neb's liberty killed on of my transports, I killed his bright hope, eventually. We had then shot past each other. I caught another transport and admonition ran out of shields and all but one defence token. Yavaris survived with one hit point and Neb's liberty survived with two. A smattering of tokens each way and I won 143-46 mov 97. So a 7-4

@Hystarr are you available this week for a game?

Edited by SilentSteve

@Undeadguy concedes to Roquax

We couldn't find a time to play due to busy schedules...

Any games today (Saturday)?

I'm back home and will update the results/rankings soonish.

Rankings nearing the end of round 3.

@fullmetal2017 has dropped, so @itzSteve gets a 8-0 140 MoV win.

@Undeadguy concedes to @Roquax over scheduling issues.

Some games still unplayed, including several to games:

Round 3

1: @Matt Antilles VS @Tokra
2: @Dorrin314 VS @Darth Veggie - Match Results: @Dorrin314 is the winner 216 to 214
3: @SkyCake VS @Lord Preyer
4: @Plagueis VS @Truthiness
5: @moodswing5537 VS @pt106 - Match Results: @pt106 is the winner 68 to 400
6: @JJs Juggernaut VS @comatose - Match Results: @JJs Juggernaut is the winner 425 to 124
7: @BiggsIRL VS @thecactusman17 - Match Results: @thecactusman17 is the winner 20 to 440
8: @ManInTheBox VS @Rocco79 - Match Results: @Rocco79 is the winner 30 to 338
9: @BrobaFett VS @CaribbeanNinja - Match Results: @CaribbeanNinja is the winner 132 to 163
10: @RStan VS @Aresius - Match Results: @Aresius is the winner 0 to 295
11: @Paindemic7708 VS @Maturin - Match Results: @Paindemic7708 is the winner 400 to 113
12: @Visovics VS @Villakarvarousku - Match Results: @Villakarvarousku is the winner 212 to 400
13: @Undeadguy VS @Roquax - Match Results: @Roquax is the winner
14: @Irishmadcat VS @PodRacer - Match Results: @Irishmadcat is the winner 293 to 67
15: @Green Squadron 3 VS @drdoom28704
16: @itzSteve VS @fullmetal2017 - Match Results: @itzSteve is the winner
17: @doobleg VS @SoonerTed - Match Results: @doobleg is the winner 436 to 36
18: @NebulonB VS @Dr Alex - Match Results: @Dr Alex is the winner 46 to 143
19: @Ginkapo VS @emfrank - Match Results: @Ginkapo is the winner 438 to 30
@GiledPallaeon has a BYE
20: @Hystarr VS @SilentSteve


Rank Name Score MoV SoS
1 @pt106 24 592 4.666666666666667
2 @Dorrin314 24 542 5.888888888888889
3 @JJs Juggernaut 24 452 5.111111111111111
4 @Darth Veggie 23 554 6.666666666666667
5 @thecactusman17 22 613 4.777777777777778
6 @Rocco79 22 530 5.444444444444444
7 @Matt Antilles 20 760 2.3333333333333335
8 @Paindemic7708 20 671 3.8888888888888893
9 @Aresius 20 435 3.722222222222222
10 @Villakarvarousku 19 284 6.0
11 @Irishmadcat 19 226 4.444444444444444
12 @Roquax 18 521 4.111111111111111
13 @doobleg 18 504 4.777777777777778
14 @Tokra 18 476 2.1666666666666665
15 @CaribbeanNinja 18 125 5.888888888888889
16 @BrobaFett 17 144 5.222222222222222
17 @SkyCake 16 347 2.0
18 @Lord Preyer 16 341 3.555555555555556
19 @itzSteve 16 140 4.444444444444444
20 @Ginkapo 15 400 3.777777777777778
21 @Truthiness 15 298 3.888888888888889
22 @Plagueis 15 276 2.555555555555556
23 @moodswing5537 15 202 5.777777777777778
24 @comatose 14 400 6.222222222222222
25 @Visovics 14 353 4.888888888888889
26 @BiggsIRL 14 100 6.111111111111111
27 @Dr Alex 13 97 4.777777777777778
28 @RStan 13 71 6.666666666666667
29 @ManInTheBox 13 65 6.0
30 @Maturin 13 5 5.0
31 @GiledPallaeon 12 140 3.888888888888889
32 @PodRacer 12 0 4.555555555555555
33 @Undeadguy 11 273 5.0
34 @NebulonB 11 0 5.888888888888888
35 @Green Squadron 3 10 86 3.222222222222222
36 @drdoom28704 9 2 3.0
0 (D#3)@MrScience 8 182 3.4166666666666665
0 (D#3)@Lyraeus 8 140 4.0
0 (D#4)@fullmetal2017 8 140 3.5555555555555554
0 (D#3)#Dummy1 8 140 0.5
0 (D#3)#Dummy2 8 140 0.3333333333333333
37 @SoonerTed 8 36 4.666666666666667
38 @emfrank 6 0 4.222222222222222
0 (D#3)@ThrawnsMB 3 0 5.333333333333334
39 @Hystarr 2 0 3.777777777777778
0 (D#3)@MattShadowlord 1 0 7.0
40 @SilentSteve 1 0 4.888888888888889
0 (D#2)@jp82729 0 0 2.6666666666666665

Ugh. Tough break @itzSteve .

@Plagueis Are you able to do tomorrow (Sunday the 18th) around 10 eastern?

2 hours ago, Truthiness said:

@Plagueis Are you able to do tomorrow (Sunday the 18th) around 10 eastern?

Am or PM? (Assume AM given your background but you never know)

Edited by Ginkapo

Roger, 10am

Edited by Truthiness

@Green Knight : apparently I can't PM you? Mailbox issue maybe? Need you advice on my game with @SkyCake - thanks!

Plagueis concedes to Truthiness :(

5 hours ago, Lord Preyer said:

@Green Knight : apparently I can't PM you? Mailbox issue maybe? Need you advice on my game with @SkyCake - thanks!

Cleared out some room in my inbox.

I've had a lot going on right now that was not foreseen, so with regrets I will have to concede my round 3 match and drop out as I am going to continue to struggle to make the time to get my matches in.

3 hours ago, Truthiness said:

Plagueis concedes to Truthiness :(

Aye sorry about that buddy but as it's fathers days I'm enjoying time out with the kids...

@Green Knight as I've had to concede the round I'm going to step out of the tournament.

If it creates an even number, I'll step out too. I'm pretty busy with work right now.

Has Tokra vs Matt Antilles happened yet?

Hi @Green Knight - sent you a PM with news of the tragic failure of @SkyCake and me to fight. :(

Wow, a crazy amount of drops and concessions this tournament. I don't think we have ever had this many.

2 hours ago, JJs Juggernaut said:

Wow, a crazy amount of drops and concessions this tournament. I don't think we have ever had this many.

No, it's a very unfortunate development. Even top matches go unscheduled.

If anyone's feeling gypped, and wants to undergo a 3 hour Vassal game against a mediocre player to somewhat lessen the feelings of loss, pain, despair, and dreadfully superficial depression that I am sure you all must be feeling after having to drop, or after having an opponent drop, please send me a PM and I shall try to remedy your situation to the best of my abilities by offering you the prize of one or more games against my rather pathetic 'strategic' mind.

4 minutes ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

If anyone's feeling gypped, and wants to undergo a 3 hour Vassal game against a mediocre player to somewhat lessen the feelings of loss, pain, despair, and dreadfully superficial depression that I am sure you all must be feeling after having to drop, or after having an opponent drop, please send me a PM and I shall try to remedy your situation to the best of my abilities by offering you the prize of one or more games against my rather pathetic 'strategic' mind.

I can see it now:

::Dras finally installs Vassal and gets it to work , then gets Curb-Stomped by a Smiling ****-Eating-Grin-Nobody for 5 hours straight::

11 minutes ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

If anyone's feeling gypped, and wants to undergo a 3 hour Vassal game against a mediocre player to somewhat lessen the feelings of loss, pain, despair, and dreadfully superficial depression that I am sure you all must be feeling after having to drop, or after having an opponent drop, please send me a PM and I shall try to remedy your situation to the best of my abilities by offering you the prize of one or more games against my rather pathetic 'strategic' mind.

Hey hey hey.

That's my job.