June 17th SC Store Championship Cayce, SC

By Angry_Ewok, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Please consider coming out to the Store Champ at Ready to Play games in Cayce SC on June 17th. Doors open at 10 AM, first round starts at 10:30

Bump. Store Champ at Ready to Play games in Cayce SC on June 17th. Doors open at 10 AM, first round starts at 10:30

I'll be there. Hopefully I'll play better at this one than I did at your last one.

I'll be attending with a friend; does this store allow outside refreshments or do they have sell their own?

they sell their own stuff I have not ever asked but highly doubt they want you bringing food into the store.

As a reminder, please bring your mats with you if you don't mind. I am pretty sure we will have it covered with the mats on site but I would feel really bad if we were short.

Bump. Looking forward to playing this weekend.

On the subject of if RtP allows outside refreshments: I've never heard of a policy like that. Of course I'm sure they would prefer people buy drinks from them but no one has ever approached me and said not to bring my drinks in, and I've never heard that from anyone else. If someone did approach me and tell me that they didn't allow outside drinks or snacks, I wouldn't have a problem with that. If I was going in there for open gaming and I never bought anything, I would try to at least buy some drinks at the minimum from them to kick some cash their way, but I've been paying OP event fees and have been buying stuff for a while, so I don't know, it doesn't make me feel bad about bringing in my own drinks.

They did just start stocking one of the Monster Rehab flavors though, which means I don't need to bring in drinks anymore really.

4 hours ago, EYEL1NER said:

On the subject of if RtP allows outside refreshments: I've never heard of a policy like that. Of course I'm sure they would prefer people buy drinks from them but no one has ever approached me and said not to bring my drinks in, and I've never heard that from anyone else. If someone did approach me and tell me that they didn't allow outside drinks or snacks, I wouldn't have a problem with that. If I was going in there for open gaming and I never bought anything, I would try to at least buy some drinks at the minimum from them to kick some cash their way, but I've been paying OP event fees and have been buying stuff for a while, so I don't know, it doesn't make me feel bad about bringing in my own drinks.

They did just start stocking one of the Monster Rehab flavors though, which means I don't need to bring in drinks anymore really.

I would rather purchase my drinks from the establishment in order to support them if I am going to be there for an event; but I wanted to make sure they actually sold refreshments rather than assume, show up and not have anything to drink while I'm there.

Had a great time was glad to see so many people there that I had seen at other tournaments but not had a chance to play against yet. All three of my games were losses but they were all close and enjoyable all the way through.

1st round I lost 5-6 to @Nevole who was running a list that he credited @Ardaedhel for helping him design.

2nd round I lost 7-4 to @Space_Cowboy17 . I led all game until the very last shot of round 6 when his Liberty killed my Interdictor flagship and managed to stop just short of flying off the edge.

3rd round I lost 5-6 to @Dameon13 who was playing in his first tournament and ran a 3 ship list. I should have taken a picture of how well and truly ****ed a position I put Demolisher into during that game.

Thanks @Space_Cowboy17 for hosting a great event.

I had a blast! My friend @Nevole and I are still relatively new to the local Armada scene but we are trying to make it to more games in the GA/SC area. It was my first time trying my Imperial ace list against anyone other than @Nevole but I must say I was pleased with how it performed.

1st round I won 9-2 against @Space_Cowboy17 who was running an all ship gunboaty list. He definitely had me outgunned on that one but a few bad luck rolls on his part and my fighters running hot threw the match in my favor.

2nd round I won 6-5 against Justin Jackson and his Rieekan Aceholes list. This was a reeeeeally close game and the only thing that tipped the scales was going first and being able to shut down almost his entire squadron ball with my flechette raider on turns 3 & 4 (staying in position by ramming one of his ships) who survived way more fire than it should have.

3rd round I won 9-2 against John Wagner with his Ackbar Ship & Fighter list. The game would have been a bit different if I hadn't been able to snake my ISD-I into his MC-80's front arc and out of his sides when he was down to zero shields and only 3 or 4 hull remaining. He survived the turn to take out his flagship and fly to safety with only two hull left! A close match despite the final score.

I had a lot of fun and it was great meeting everyone. I hope to see you guys again in the future! Thanks to @Space_Cowboy17 for hosting.