So with Hyperloop and Outer Rim Smuggler having errata, I would love to see FFG be able to produce updated printings of this card. At least 4 people at tonight's Store Championship expressed frustration that they weren't aware of the Hyperloop Errata. Even though I believe it's the player's responsibility to look up errata cards online, it would great to have correct versions of these cards. I'm thinking they could accomplish this in 3 ways:
1) Players could send a SASE with their old cards to exchange their outdated cards for the cards with updated wording.
2) With each booster box of the next upcoming set, FFG could include 5-10 updated cards with the correct wording as box toppers.
3) Updated cards could be given out as part of the Game Night Kits.
It's probably best that FFG not print these cards at their Minnesota headquarters as the texture of the cards is different. Some people play with their cards unsleeved, and this could easily be counted as a marked card. Thoughts?