I would very much like that too. Sorry folks, it was a no-go at my FLGS, as I somewhat expected it might be. I'll be getting the book tomorrow evening. I sincerely hope the community here doesn't have to wait until then to get the spec, power, and signature ability layouts!
I Have Disciples of Harmony. You Have Questions.
my flgs didn't get it in today either, and they typically get 1 shipment per week on a Thursday or occasionallyWednesday, so it looks like I'll be waiting for a whole week to get it in my hands
can't someone please please please post the specialization trees? And If your name is Samuel or Lucas i'll name my first born son after you
(first name Samuel, middle name Lucas, he's due mid august). Samuel L. < my last name > which is NOT Jackson... but I am going to get him a mace windu lightsaber "when he's old enough"
I got the book today. So does anyone still have questions?
Umm, give us stats on everything please and thank you.
Edited by Shlambate1 minute ago, Lotr_Nerd said:I got the book today. So does anyone still have questions?
Please post the talent trees, and signature ability trees, and the stats for the consular cruiser + salon pod
I am away from my book right now but I will post some things when I get home.
On 5/31/2017 at 4:57 PM, Blackbird888 said:My current list of questions for whoever first gets the book:
What are the backgrounds?- Any outstanding moralities?
- What are the species stats?
- What do the specializations do? Layout provided and talent details would be nice.
Which specialization, if any, has a conflict talent and what does it do?What is the Force Rating/Dedication count for each?What do the signature abilities do? Layouts would be nice.What do the Force powers do? Layouts would be nice.- What are the motivations?
- Weapon, armor, and gear lists. Any standouts?
- Vehicle list.
Any standouts?
- Does the Consular-class cruiser have the same or different profile as it has in Age of Rebellion?
- Chapter 3 details can come at leisure.
Edited by Blackbird888
Force Rating/Dedication count has been answered up thread between two different posts: 1 Force Rating/1 Dedication in each specialization.
Can you put up the species characteristics and abilities?
So there are also alternate force traditions which replace the Jedi Mentor rules for the following; Baran Do Sages, Dagoyan Masters, Gand Findsmen, and Sith Lords. Each comes with a different benefit and a drawback (which can be removed by paying an xp cost). My favorite is the Baran Do, which reduces the xp cost of the basic powes for Forsee, Move, and Protect/Unleash by 5xp and ignores the first two points of conflict for using Unleash power per game session. The drawback, which costs 15 xp to remove requires you to meditate and reflect before makimg major decisions, being rash causes you to gain a Conflict.
Go Lightside Lightning!
What about the findsmen?
Findsman: 5 XP less to buy Foresee and Seek basic powers, and their Control and Mastery upgrades. (To a minimum of 5 XP.) Drawback is the requirement to meditate for three house to use those powers. (15 XP to remove it.)
Arkanian: 2/2/3/2/2/1, 10+Brawn, 10+Will, 100 XP, one rank in Medicine, remove two setback due to darkness.
Cosian: 1/2/3/2/2/2, 10+Brawn, 11+Will, 95 XP, one rank in Knowledge (Lore), Encumbrance threshold is 10+Brawn.
Pau'an: 1/2/2/2/3/2, 12 + Brawn, 8 + Willpower, 95 XP, one rank in Negotiation or Coercion, Add one boost to Perception and Vigilance checks if wearing protective earpieces; take a setback to Perception and Vigilance if not.
what about Dagoyan Masters and Sith Lords
3 minutes ago, Garran said:Findsman: 5 XP less to buy Foresee and Seek basic powers, and their Control and Mastery upgrades. (To a minimum of 5 XP.) Drawback is the requirement to meditate for three house to use those powers. (15 XP to remove it.)
Does that drawback apply to all uses of those powers, or just to the basic powers? It would be hard to take advantage of the Control upgrades on Foresee if you have to meditate for three hours before making your Initiative check.
22 minutes ago, ldgif said:So there are also alternate force traditions which replace the Jedi Mentor rules for the following; Baran Do Sages, Dagoyan Masters, Gand Findsmen, and Sith Lords. Each comes with a different benefit and a drawback (which can be removed by paying an xp cost).
This is so awesome. This is such a simple mechanic, but it could be adapted to any number of Force traditions out there: Ewok shamans, Tulgah witches, Sorcerers of Tund... This really makes me want to play a non-Jedi Force user!
Dagoyan: Reduce the cost of control upgrades for Foresee, Seek, or Sense by 5 XP (min 5). Conflict generated by violent acts generates an additional 2 conflict. This includes violent actions that would not normally generate any. (15 XP to remove.)
Sith: Reduce the cost of Heal/Harm, Misdirect, and Protect Unleash basic powers by 15 XP (min 5). If, after resolving conflict, the student's morality decreases, double the decrease. (30 XP to remove.)
The Findsman drawback doesn't specify that it's the basic power only so it would presumably apply to everything.
Force Connection
The Jedi Order
Consular Cruiser: The basic stats are the same, but there are some differences: Passengers 24, encumbrance 4000 (still varying with configuration), Extreme sensor range, Price is 'only' 3 million credits (same rarity). No weapons by default. There's also a sidebar with stats for a salon pod.
The Crucible (the Jedi training cruiser) gets stats.
Kaminoan Observation Ship is the third capital vessel type covered.
basically all of them except the baran do suck eggs
The Sith one is amazing it makes the more offensive powers cheap to buy and if your playing a Sith it greatly helps stay in the Darkside. So if you're on the Darkside there is no downside.
I see the Sith and Baran do to be the most interesting.
Edited by Shlambatebut if you don't want to play a darkside character.... sith isn't very useful
Why would you be a Sith of your not on the Darkside? Sounds very silly to me.
11 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:basically all of them except the baran do suck eggs
Findsman and Dagoyan both give you a total of 45 XP in discounts on their powers, so even though removing the drawback is practically mandated to be usable, it's still a significant net benefit. Sith makes two of the most expensive powers very affordable, and if you can stay on the straight and narrow you probably don't even need to worry about its drawback (Not to mention that in the grand scheme of things, being a Light Side Paragon isn't that huge of a benefit). Have to wonder about narrative drawbacks, though...
Edited by Kaigen
Salon pod stats: 3 Sil, 2 Spd, -4 Handle, 0/-/-/0 defense, 1 armor, 10 hull, 4 strain. No hyperdrive or navcomputer. Medium sensors, one pilot, encumbrance capac 5, passenger capac 10, one week of consumables, cost/rarity comes with ship, 0 hard points, no weapons. Made by Corellian Engineering Corporation.
1 minute ago, Shlambate said:Why would you be a Sith of your not on the Darkside? Sounds very silly to me.
didn't say being a sith, said having a sith mentor who was trying to corrupt the innocent newb full of potential without letting on that he's a sith. interesting story telling there. but having a sith mentor makes staying lightside nearly impossible.
2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:didn't say being a sith, said having a sith mentor who was trying to corrupt the innocent newb full of potential without letting on that he's a sith. interesting story telling there. but having a sith mentor makes staying lightside nearly impossible.
That would be the point, I would think.
1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:
didn't say being a sith, said having a sith mentor who was trying to corrupt the innocent newb full of potential without letting on that he's a sith. interesting story telling there.But having a sith mentor makes staying lightside nearly impossible.
As it should be...(muhaha)