I am not demanding anything. I am not saying we shall have it this way or by this date. I am saying that no communication is really bad, that it hurts the whole point of this thread, and of doing it for the community.
The fact that they are doing it for free does not mean that we don't have a say in that. It does not mean that they don't have a responsability and be accountable to the community. Re-read the first messages of this topic ! Only one L5R module for OCTGN can exist at a time, so it's exclusive. So yes, the work they are doing impact all of us, because if I wanted to do one : first I would not be able to release it since OCTGN will probably tell me 'hey there is already a module being built right now', and second it would not make any sense.
"They may announce today that the entire module has been scrapped, and it would still be in their full rights to do so." If by "it would be in their full rights", you mean that I can't sue them, oh yea sure. But if by that, you mean it is ok, heck no. Because the whole time they took saying they would do it, they just prevented other people to do it. So it would definitely be wrong.
About the FFG part, again I am not telling people when it should be released, so what you're saying does not make any sense.
That they do it for free, that we're grateful, that we thank them for the time and the energy they spend in doing it, does not mean that they are not responsabile and accountable for what they are doing. Sorry to say that. Nobody asked them to take this responsability. So if you take it, you do it good, you're accountable and you have to communicate about it. All this seems ground rules to me.
Edit : and all this is so theoretical (and so pointless) because from what I can hear, the OCTGN module is kind of ready, and so it the 'Teki' site. But again, what does it cost to keep the community in touch 'officially' ?
Edited by Katsutoshi