Sold Out

By Malraza, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

Submitted on the dot. Still 4000 to go in line placement and all the L5R tournaments are sold out. Not how I was hoping this would go.


Was 2259, didn't get a ticket.

this was bullocks
Rigged I say!

I submitted on time and got nothing :(

On facebook is a guy who wants to sell 19 extra spots he got. Disgusting.

Edited by Drudenfusz
Just now, Drudenfusz said:

An facebook is a guy who wants to sell 19 extra spots he got. Disgusting.


Just now, MoZi said:


Yup. I hope some kind of action can be taken against people who do that.

My thoughts exactly

7 minutes ago, Drudenfusz said:

On facebook is a guy who wants to sell 19 extra spots he got. Disgusting.

That's bull****. Peeps must have had massive friends lists and requested for all of them. I'm seriously disheartened. At least I got into the "Designing L5R" panel every other event was totally sold out.

Edited by theninthguardian

I didn't know scalping was such a thing at GenCon. If that's true, that's terrible.

4 minutes ago, Malraza said:

I didn't know scalping was such a thing at GenCon. If that's true, that's terrible.

Keep in mind that Fantasy Flight has been hyping this event for 2 years. Anyone who wanted to make a quick buck on easy marks would have had their eyes on this event.

13 minutes ago, Malraza said:

I didn't know scalping was such a thing at GenCon. If that's true, that's terrible.

Its because of the product attached to the event. Getting into the event guarantees you a core so its lucrative to invest as much int that event and profit off of the people who want it.

Not related to the L5R prerelease event, I remember when GoT had its second edition, people were offering double the price for people in FFG's store(the customers, not the staff, I feel like I should clarify that) to pick them up a copy of the core that wasn't going to be released for another 2 months. Thats just the business side of GenCon working its magic.

Edited by C2K

There is hope that FFG can get enough product to make a second. Same story. submited instantly at open and none.


Even if FFG pushes more product to open more slots, you still have the same problem.

6 minutes ago, Vutall said:

There is hope that FFG can get enough product to make a second. Same story. submited instantly at open and none.

No way that's going to work out. Unless it's done somewhere entire offsite, they won't have room or time. There's the issue of having enough product at GenCon as well, but time and space are going to be bigger limitations.

Yup only so much space available on the site.

Well, I meant, even if they added all of it, you would still have people looking to buy up all the slots and sell them at a premium price as what happened to the initial bunch.

I was number 1777 and got into Thursday and Sunday. Just missed Friday's event. Hoping they expand at least Friday/Sunday for those buying core sets at Gencon.

Out of the 3 members of the Bad Publicity crew all 3 of us made Thursday. One of us made Friday. Two of us made Sunday.

I got in for Sunday but not Thursday or Friday.

1 hour ago, Drudenfusz said:

On facebook is a guy who wants to sell 19 extra spots he got. Disgusting.

Anyone got a link?

4 minutes ago, Ragudaddy said:

Anyone got a link?

It's been taken down. He is being reported.

Well, maybe some tickets will get freed up.