Divine Favour - Wrong way round?

By Jake yet again, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Divine Favour rule is a new rule within SoB. Each time one side gets a 25 point bracket ahead Divine Favour kicks in, until the sides redress themselves. The rule drops/raises the Conquest value of Heroes by the winning side by one to a minimum of one. Hence if the Heroes are 50 points behind the Overlord, a 3 Conquest Hero is only worth 1 Conquest. Likewise if the Heroes are 50 points ahead of the Overlord , the same Heroes is worth 5 conquest Points.

The downside with this rule it that it can slow play down, and in an already very long campaign that's not necessarily a good thing.

One proposal is to simply raise the Conquest value of all actions performed by the losing side. Hence when Heroes are 50 points behind each Glyph they open is worth 5 (3 + 2) Conquest. If the Overlord is behind by 50 points, he gets 3 Conquest a week (before including any bonuses for Razed cities) This speeds the game up and also has the adavnatage that it is infinitely scalable

I don't think it slows things down as much as you think. It was designed to keep the CT counts relatively even, which now having seen it in practice I think it does fairly well even though I was skeptical.

As for the proposal, its a good idea in theory but I don't personally don't think it will have nearly the same balancing effect. I mean increasing how much the OL gets a game week would do nothing to prevent him gaining tons of CT in a dungeon from killing heroes (which is really his main source of CT). Increasing how much the heroes get for glyphs is somewhat the same, I mean its something that happens only 3 times a dungeon typically whereas an OL is typically going to get more than three kills in a dungeon.

I just don't think it would work out to nearly the same kind of balance as the Divine Favor rules give.

To get it to be more similar to how it is now, while speeding up the game, you could make killing a hero when the heroes are behind give the heroes 1 conquest per 25 that they are behind. Make the total conquest each hero can gain from his own death equal to one less than his conquest value.

Note though that speeding the game up is not necessarily good for the heroes, since they are not getting extra gold. They will end up behind on money.