Come on guys, please post some battle reports. Videos, so I can watch and learn. Now that the latest wave is out, I'd love to see how this affects some of the games out there.
Battle Reports
Everyone is too busy playing with the new stuff.
I'm still shaving and gluing. Haven't even got a full game in since I demoed it last month ...
41 minutes ago, Budgernaut said:I'm still shaving and gluing. Haven't even got a full game in since I demoed it last month ...
Get on it! ?Don't let life get in the way haha
No videos, but I wrote up my first 2 runewars games with pictures.
Will have a third up this week that involves the Daquan Infantry upgrade pack.
With the upgrade packs we discovered that accuracies now serve a purpose.
Really like your reports especially with the photos. Disappointed the rats chose not to attend. As an aside, if I understand the rules correctly Ardus shouldn't have been able to sneak away at the end because he was engaged from multiple sides and to disengage you must Shift directly away from units you are engaged with, which isn't possible when engaged on two sides.