New Fleets Batrep (Live Stream)

By SgtDurandal, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

@durandal343 and I will be trying out some new fleet builds tonight and streaming LIVE on YouTube because... well... we don't have anything better to do on a Friday night. :) This will also be a demonstration of Star Wars Armada as played on Tabletop Simulator.

Batrep to be posted later.

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Edited by SgtDurandal

This will be simulated on TTS since my wife does have better things to do on a Friday night. Also.. since my mic picks up all ambient noise you might get to hear my kids yelling at each other/me yelling at them/my wife yelling at everyone when she gets home.

So.. we figured out a way to make an in person game happen.. no TTS tonight!