extra dice when flanking

By Metamichael, in Runewars Rules Questions

Hi, ,

A question about the extra die : can it be red when you already have two red dice to roll ?

I think that the answer is yes as I can't find anything in the rules forbidding it, but I'm not totally sure.


Yup, you can add a red or a blue, no limit.

Since you only get two in the core set it helps FFG sell dice sets.

Or just roll a die again.

Or use..


16 hours ago, seidel said:

Or use..


Problem is electronic dice rollers arnt random. Random enough for most people but I'm pickey about it I guess

13 minutes ago, Klaxas said:

Problem is electronic dice rollers arnt random. Random enough for most people but I'm pickey about it I guess

By an extension of that same logic, rolling dice isn't random either. Random enough for most people, but some are picky by the fact that the very manufacturing process of dice inherently bias them due to weight unless they are very, very expensive.


1 minute ago, Drasnighta said:

By an extension of that same logic, rolling dice isn't random either. Random enough for most people, but some are picky by the fact that the very manufacturing process of dice inherently bias them due to weight unless they are very, very expensive.


Uh oh dras 'the rules' nighta found the RW forum, repent ye sinners and not readers of the rrg, REPENT!

On 5/29/2017 at 11:33 AM, Drasnighta said:

By an extension of that same logic, rolling dice isn't random either. Random enough for most people, but some are picky by the fact that the very manufacturing process of dice inherently bias them due to weight unless they are very, very expensive.


I wonder if the variance caused by the manufacturing process is more or less than what the dice rollers have.

What do most programmers use as a seed for the random numbers?

Sorry it's bed time just thinking out loud