Unique Spaces are adjacent? (Army of Dal'Zunm)

By kurtzelda, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Yersterday I've played with Army of Dal'Zunm .

I've placed Belthir on an unique space (who is connected by quest to another unique space beyond the wall).

The quest says an hero with an action could pass from a space to another (a sort of secret passage).

A hero was on the other unique space.

A knight with Oath of Honor (who is in the same area of Belthir) would use his power to place itself and combat Belthir.

I think:

1. Those two unique spaces are not adjacent ( so the other heroes cannot be adjacent to Belthir)

2. Spaces cannot count inside wall (even if connected by quest as unique spaces) for the same reason (unique spaces not adjacent).

However I need a rule clarification: when two (unique) spaces are connected by quests and is one near the other (with some obstacles) should not be adjacent, right?

Unless when the quest says explicity that spaces are adjacents...


Edited by kurtzelda

Yes, your assumptions are correct. Adjacency is very well defined in the rule set: A space is adjacent to each other space that shares an edge or a corner with the space. Two spaces that share an edge that is a map border, a closed door, a wall or an old wall are not considered to be adjacent. All other spaces that do not fulfill these conditions are not adjacent unless explicitly stated in the quest description.

In encounter 1 of the Army of Army of Dal'Zunm unique spaces are not adjacent and counting spaces is not possible from one unique space to another unique space. In the situation that you describe Oath of Honor cannot be used.

Edited by Sadgit

Many thanks, maybe you could consider a short words about adjacency and connected unique spaces in CRRG (connected != adjacent). It's not so obvious... overall for my heroes!

Many thanks.


Will add a bullet under entry Adjacent in version 1.4 of the CRRG.