
By Nani23, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello everybody...

I would like to know a few things about this card.

1)Is the overlord forced to move every figure in the dungeon?

2)Which tokens can he move?can he move glyphs?

3)When it says obstacles it means only pits,rocks and water or lava and mud ect?

1.) no

2.) i would say its an obstacle

3.) read the faq for a (not complete) list

glyphs are not obstacles. I'm pretty sure you can move glyphs.

Please ignore the FAQ entirely for the complete list, because the answers in question are either A) borked, or B) about Tomb of Ice obstacles and not pre-RtL obstacles. See this thread for the current list of obstacles that James McMurray compiled from the rules.

Glyphs are not obstavles but the rulebook describe them as "markers" along with encounters....

I think its too much for heroes to move glyphs, it's a really big disadvandage...

Nani23 said:

Hello everybody...

I would like to know a few things about this card.

1)Is the overlord forced to move every figure in the dungeon?

2)Which tokens can he move?can he move glyphs?

3)When it says obstacles it means only pits,rocks and water or lava and mud ect?

Poltergeist www.descentinthedark.com/_p_/poltergeist.php
Play at the start of your turn. Move all figures and tokens (but not obstacles ) up to 2 spaces, however you choose. Then, you may close any or all doors in the dungeon.

1) yes (its not optional), but he can move the figure 0 spaces (ie, not at all), so effectively NO.

2) see DJitD pg 4. 'Tokens' include Compass Rose, wounds, fatigue, coins (not money/treasure markers), orders, Effect tokens (burn, bleed, stun etc), threat, conquest, turn and training tokens. However to be moved 'up to 2 spaces' they must be within the dungeon, which removes wounds, money, fatigue and unused order markers (placed in the play area next to each player’s hero sheet in 3A on pg6), Conquest and threat (not stored anywhere in particular but obviously not dungeon elements), the Compass Rose (placed near but not on the board on pg7) and Training tokens (placed on the hero sheet, pg18).

Figures can be 'marked by' effect tokens (burn, bleed etc) 'next to the figure' (except for poison which is explicitly on the character sheet) so it is not clear whether Effect tokens can be moved in the dungeon independently of the owning figure.
However, potions appear to be markers (pg4) but seem to be referred to as tokens on pg 8.
Runekeys are markers but referred to as tokens on pg 12.
Pico is a marker, but referred to as a token on pg14.
Pg 16 gives a movement action of 0MP to pick up a 'token' in your space which is the only possible reference for collecting non-chest treasures (potions, coin-piles, relics etc).
Pg 18 uses the phrase 'treasure tokens and markers' repeatedly, but doesn't define any treasures individually and tokens.
Pg4 also uses the phrase 'prop tokens' which is confusing but that appears to be a mistake as all of the props are listed as 'markers' and obstacles are specifically excluded anyway.

In summary, there whole 'token' thing is pretty mixed up and about the only clear thing is that glyphs are never called tokens.
It seems likely that the intent is that you can poltergeist anything which moves on its own or can be picked up, and nothing that does not move and can't be picked up. Ruling that way would not allow you to move anything that is not in some way called a token in some place (I think, except for familiars but they could be covered by the pico reference). It also seems likely that tokens which are 'attached' (effect tokens) should not be detached from their 'owner' - only because such tokens aren't actually occupying any particular space, so you can't move them up to two spaces.

Looks like someone should make a comprehensive "what is a token" list. :)

James McMurray said:

Looks like someone should make a comprehensive "what is a token" list. :)

:) I just tried, and failed. It is just about the worst example of FFG's lack of an Editor that it is possible to find.