2017 LGS Championships

By ZealuxMyr, in X-Wing Battle Reports

My list: SF Envoy (100/100SP)

  • Quickdraw TIE/SF Fighter
    • Swarm Tactics
    • Fire Control System
    • Pattern Analyzer
    • Special Ops Training
    • Lightweight Frame
  • Backdraft TIE/SF Fighter
    • Veteran Instincts
    • Fire Control System
    • Pattern Analyzer
    • Special Ops Training
    • Lightweight Frame
  • Omicron Group Pilot Lambda-Class Shuttle
    • Collision Detector
    • Tractor Beam
    • Operations Specialist
    • Engine Upgrade

Round 1 - Win 100-0

Vs. Y-Wing: Gold Squadron Pilot (Flechette Torpedoes, Ion Cannon Turret, R2-D2), HWK-290: Jan Ors (Swarm Tactics, Ion Cannon Turret, Experimental Interface, Lando Calrissian, Moldy Crow), & Y-Wing: Grey Squadron Pilot (Flechette Torpedoes, Ion Cannon Turret, R5-P9) (100/100SP)

My opponent started off by moving for a joist and, right before we closed to Range 3, he decided to arc towards the board center and afforded me a round of free shooting as all his ships were out of arc and only one of his ships was within Range 2 - I shot that Y-Wing with the tractor beam cannon and threw it out to Range 3 so I didn't have to have to worry about ionization. Second combat round he lost Jan Ors but succeeded in ionizing my lambda. Third round of combat saw Backdraft and Quickdraw ionized headed towards debris and the death of his gold squadron. Thanks to the aux arcs on the SFs I never had a round without shooting. All said and done the match ended in about 40 minutes with my ships only missing some shields (lambda still had 2 shields left).

Round 2 - Win 100-66

Vs. VT-49 Decimator: Rear Admiral Chiraneau (Veteran Instincts, Kylo Ren, Rebel Captive, Dauntless, Engine Upgrade) & TIE Phantom: Whisper (Veteran Instincts, Fire Control System, Agent Kallus, Advanced Cloaking Device) (100/100SP)

I won the challenge coin toss for initiative (which, to be honest, I think it what enabled me to win this match-firing on an uncloaked Whisper made this my fastest match @32minutes). Round 1 of combat saw the lambda defend from a range 3 obstructed attack on behalf of RAC, in true green-dice fashion I rolled 3 blanks and lost 2 shields. Round 2 allowed all three of my ships to fire on RAC, brought him down to 9 health and whisper stayed out of combat and saw the lambda go down to 4 remaining hull. Round 3 I blocked RAC with the shuttle, he used the title to trigger kylo to assign blinded pilot as the next crit on backdraft. Both SFs had RAC at range 1 in arc. RAC shot first modified to blank, crit, crit, crit. Backdraft rolled focus, evade and rolled another evade with Lightweight Frame - I spent his focus and avoided what (we had both) assumed would be a guaranteed blinded pilot dealing. Quickdraw and backdraft finished off RAC at range 1 while Whisper melted the space-cow with a 5 dice out-of-arc attack. Next round my opponent expertly maneuvered whisper to where Quickdraw would not have arc and was able to punch 4 hits and a crit into him - I rolled 3 blanks (luckily for me no direct hit or major explosion, so one whole hull left) but only after Backdraft put Whisper at 1 hull. Next round I missed arc with both ships, Whisper laced 4 hateful dice into the side of Quickdraw and overly overkilled him (I rolled another 3 blanks on 1 hull). Following round Backdraft caught Whisper in his aux arc for hit, hit, added crit vs 4 defense dice on 1 hull (my opponent chose cloak over either evading or barrel rolling behind a rock) and the green dice were unkind yielding 2 blanks and 2 foci. My opponent forfeighted his simultainous attack back (Backdraft was at full health and 4 unmodified dice are extremely unlikely to yield a kill).

Round 3 - Loss 61-63

Vs. X-Wing: Biggs Darklighter (R4-D6, Integrated Astromech), TIE Fighter: Captain Rex (none), T-70 X-Wing: Jess Pava (Pattern Analyzer, R2-D6, Adaptability +1, Integrated Astromech), & ARC-170: Braylen Stramm (Gunner, R3-A2, Alliance Overhaul) (100/100SP)

This match went to time, and was very mentally draining. First round of combat, three rounds in, only my Lambda and Braylen had arc and range. So, at PS9 from Swarm Tactics, I used my tractor beam cannon to throw Braylen forward and into range 3 of Quickdraw and Backdraft. Braylen lost all his shields and took 2 hull damage from the attack. My lambda suffered 3 shields and a stress token. Second round of combat saw my lambda fall short of the block (I chose to TL Biggs rather than boost to land a few millimeters in front of his formation, my biggest regret of the match). I then used the tractor beam cannon to throw Biggs backwards which left Braylen at Range 1 of Backdraft who brought him down to 2 hull. Quickdraw missed arc on Braylen and had to fire on Biggs, taking all his shields. Things got messy from here, and are still a blur of overthinking in my mind, the shuttle exploded, Backdraft got double stressed from Braylen, and the next round saw Braylen die from backdraft Jess hit Backdraft with ps0 crit and the next round Quickdraw just Swarm Tactics Backdraft back up to PS9. Biggs was destroyed, jess lost her shields and Backdraft was destroyed. At this point only an untouched Quickdraw, Captain Rex and a shield less Jess remained on the board. I surprised my opponent by turning right hard 1 rather than slooping left and was able to chase Jess for the rest of the match while Captain Rex (having never used his ability) ran away looking to flank Quickdraw for that out-of-arc shot. I got Jess down to 2 hull, hit her with another crit (all while chasing) and she used integrated to toss it out. At one point Rex got a range 1 on Quickdraw (still at full health) but passed on the attack as Quickdraw had Jess at Range 1 with TL and focus still (having needed neither for his initial attack). Match went to time with Quickdraw and Captain Rex undamaged and Jess at 2 hull. This match would be my only loss and my opponent would go on to win-out our 16 person tourney 4-0; and rightfully so-great list, skilled player, and genuinely a pleasure to play against.

Round 4 - Win 100-29

Vs. TIE Bomber: Tomax Bren (Cool Hand, TIE Shuttle, Twin Ion Engine Mk. II, Systems Officer, Fleet Officer), TIE Striker: Pure Sabaac (Adaptability +1), TIE/FO Fighter: Omega Leader (A Score To Settle, Comm Relay), & TIE/FO Fighter: Omega Ace (Swarm Leader)

By our first round of combat only Tomax and Omega Leader had range on the Lambda, Omega Leader had been out of range and barrel rolled into range (couldn't TL, so barrel rolled, then got a free TL from Systems Officer). So I used the Lambda shuttle to Tractor Beam Omega Leader right back to where s/he started and avoid being attacked by 2 ships. Pure Sabaac lost his pilot ability in the third round of combat (when he died), the second round had given him only one damage. My opponent focused on the Lambda which let me cut into the Bomber and Pure Sabaac with Quickdraw and Backdraft. Omega Ace was able to pump 5 dice into my 4 hull lambda with TL + Focus for 5 crits, which is so cool to see. In the round after Backdraft (shieldless) and Quickdraw (full health) peeled away and brought my opponent down to a half health Tomax and a half health Omega Leader. As Omega Leader had Quickdraw TLed I focused him on chasing down Tomax and used Backdraft's aux arc and some "fancy" (red moves + pattern analyzer) to eventually kill Omega Leader the round after Quickdraw finally caught and killed Tomax.

This opponent provided me with one critique on my list that I am fully planning on making (as I only triggered Operations Specialist 3 times all day in a total of 2 matches: once in round 1 and twice in round 4) and that is to replace the Operations Specialist with Kylo Ren Crew. So that is absolutely happening before my next store championship - so thanks to her for that wonderful idea.

(If any of my opponents read this and I've gotten something out of turn or lacking detail I do apologize as I'm writing this 3 days later...I know the scores are right...)

I did end the event with an MOV of 603, next highest was first place with an MOV of 584.

Great write up. I was your round 3 opponent. What a tough match you were. Thank you for the kind words. You were clearly my biggest challenge that day. We had a really tight match and I think we both made a few, minor, key errors, that could have gone either way. I had no chance other than to run the clock out for the last 10-12 minutes of that match. I definitely misplayed by not taking 2 range one shots on QuickDraw with no return fire and shooting BD instead and missed a range one reroll with Jess towards the end of the match.

Here was my full write up to my local group about you.....

RD 3 vs Zac (The TO) Lamda (Tractor Beam, Op Spec, Coll Det, EU), QD (Title, Pattern Ana, FCS, LWF), BD (VI, Title, Pattern Ana, FCS, LWF)
63-61 win
Zac was the TO and did a great job both playing and judging, I know how tough it can be to do both. My opponent cornered the rock in my left corner and his left corner and I 3x3'd a rock in my right corner and some scatter in the middle. I again deployed left corner in my box, he across diagonally. He flew in formation down my right side while I turned immediately to go right. I slow rolled across my side of the board while he came down. As we engaged I layed into the Lambda but he did enough to keep guns off Biggs and took out Braylen over 2 rounds of combat...not the trade I wanted. After that I created block city trying to deny actions while taking what shots I could. I took Backdraft down to one hull as a trade for Biggs, after which I realized I had 2 range 1 shots on QuickDraw while it would've had no return fire, perhaps a misplay on my part? I eventually turn with Jess & Rex to take out BD. Jess being into hull I run for my life. I skirted damage just long enough for the win. I had thought for some reason we were tied at points and we're going to a salvo but it turned out I won by 2 points. A really tough game for me as I made 2 mental errors that could have cost me the game. Zac was a great opponent and had a tough job pulling double duty and I was fortunate enough to escape with a win.

Thank you for the kind words as well. My highlight for the entire day was being able to pick an ARC-170 out of a Biggs bubble to kill prior to damaging Biggs, rather proud of that actually.

I look forward to playing against you again this season!

You flew impeccable during our match, kudos to you on that. Could've gone either way and it was an absolute pleasure having you across the table from me, sir. I look forward to a rematch of some sorts throughout Store Championship season as cream rises to the top.