Blaise and Kayn Samos:
Blaise and Kayn Samos:
Royal Guard Champion, General Sorin, Grand Inquisitor:
Han, Luke and Leia:
I gave my Han Solo an "Empire Strikes Back" paint scheme. This was to fit in with the majority of Hero Villain packs.
He was one my favorite action figures as a kid along with Lando and Obi Wan Kenobi.
Some of my Custom 3D skirmish build decals for a Death Star / Star Destroyer build
On 2017年8月24日 at 4:35 PM, Etheneus said:...I'm not even sorry for stealing this idea for my own elite troopers.
Great job!
Thank you. I am happy that some one appreciated the customization although I am surprised that I never saw this done with any one elses miniatures.
Well for starter it looks great and it's obvious that every squad needs a commander so thematically it's very fitting too.
But I agree on your other point too. How can none have thought of this. Obviously I'm no better. Though, I have removed a head from a saboteur and put it on a rebel trooper to make them a bit less like clone. Not painted yet.
Wow, I loved the minis painting. Congratulations are beautiful
On 2017年9月9日 at 11:10 AM, Belvasques said:Wow, I loved the minis painting. Congratulations are beautiful
Cheers. I appreciate the kind words. Have been away for a while. Hurricane Irma really sent us for a loop. But thats the price you pay for residing in the "Sunshine State".
On 8/26/2017 at 4:32 AM, Etheneus said:Well for starter it looks great and it's obvious that every squad needs a commander so thematically it's very fitting too.
But I agree on your other point too. How can none have thought of this. Obviously I'm no better. Though, I have removed a head from a saboteur and put it on a rebel trooper to make them a bit less like clone. Not painted yet.
Brilliant idea on swapping heads. I hope you were able to create these new figures without it costing too much. I believe one could find a WotC miniature that is inexpensive enough to sacrifice for the rebellion!
I have purchased a set of X-Wing pilots to supplement a trio of Rebel Troopers and a trio of Tie Fighter pilots. I mave also purchased a trio of Mon Calamari Mercs to supplement a trio of Rebel Troopers and a trio of AT-AT drivers to supplement Snow Troopers. I have plenty of figures for a game but I like being able to mix up the look of the game.
Edited by C3POFETTCan't say I'd thought much about the elite troopers, but I've already found myself using Wizards of the Coast minis for the Rebel Saboteurs in my campaign; specifically, Juno Eclipse and some random Duros with a blaster (I've forgotten what was printed on his base/card, but he makes a good saboteur). I'm okay with a uniform look for troopers, but saboteurs should look more diverse, in my opinion. Likewise, if I have multiple Alliance Smugglers on the map for skirmish, I guarantee one of them will be Dash Rendar; ****, if I use the elite version in a campaign at some point, I'll probably use Dash there, too...
Some of the Wizards minis really did look pretty good. Bespin Luke works great to give a more visual aspect to Rebel Luke's "saber strike" ability. And, if I use Jar Jar as the Rebel Captive in Imperial Hospitality, maybe the Rebels will just let me kill him?
12 hours ago, MarekMandalore said:Some of the Wizards minis really did look pretty good. Bespin Luke works great to give a more visual aspect to Rebel Luke's "saber strike" ability. And, if I use Jar Jar as the Rebel Captive in Imperial Hospitality, maybe the Rebels will just let me kill him?
I have supplemented some figures using Wizards minis. For a custom Skirmish/Campaign I have created a Zuckuss and 4-LOM card and found WotC minis that fit in perfectly. I made custom cards for several characters that we wanted to see in the game but weren't. They can be seen in another thread. I have purchased WotC minis for all cards that I made. Most minis did require a repaint but they do fit in nicely. Some characters we wanted to include weren't possible because we couldn't find a decent enough mini.
Here is my Alliance Smuggler. I painted one up as a "Wedge Antilles" since I could not find a suitable miniature through Wizards of the Coast.
My Alliance Smuggler was more of a Rogue One design.
Edited by C3POFETT
Here are my Rebel Saboteurs and Alliance Rangers:
Here are my Core Set Heroes along with an alternate paint scheme. They are seen in my Bespin 3-D skirmish map.
Here are my Jabba's Realm heroes along with an alternate paint scheme. Also in my Bespin map.
Here are my Hoth heroes along with an alternate paint scheme. The second Loku is still a work in progress.
I went for a 2-1B paint scheme as opposed to the card paint scheme.
Here are the Twin Shadows and Bespin Gambit heroes along with their alternate paint schemes.
If you look closely my alternate Biv has found a rare piece of Scarif Trooper armor. I really liked the look of them and I hope they add them to the game. And oh my gosh did it take a while to get the exact shade of purple to match the character card for Murne Rin.
I have been looking forward to getting my Heart of the Empire box sets and will be painting them up soon.
I cant decide if I should give Emperor Palpatine a Deep Blue coat with a Black wash (Kenner Figure) or a Black coat with a Deep Blue wash.
Thoughts or advice?
The West End/Kenner influence on your work is unmistakable. Speaking as someone who only got into the hobby of gaming because of them.
Edited by TauntaunScout16 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:The West End/Kenner influence on your work is unmistakable. Speaking as someone who only got into the hobby of gaming because of them.
Thank you. That is the look/feel I always try to acheive when painting my miniatures. I still own my West End Games miniatures those were painted decades ago. The look of these miniatures got me back into the hobby. If I never played a single round of Imperial Assault I would still be happy just bringing these figures to life.
I owned and own way too many WEG minis. I still paint them today, along with IA and who knows how many other things. The sheer number of your IA minis, and the scenery, is very WEG in nature.
On 10/17/2017 at 11:16 AM, C3POFETT said:Here are the Twin Shadows and Bespin Gambit heroes along with their alternate paint schemes.
If you look closely my alternate Biv has found a rare piece of Scarif Trooper armor. I really liked the look of them and I hope they add them to the game.
Now you have my mind churning with WEG ideas again... I am interested in trying to make either a Quixotic Jedi, or a Failed Jedi. A weird paintjob on Obi-Wan is one option for a failed Jedi. I was considering replacing Davith's lightsaber with a sword for a Quixotic Jedi. I am wondering, however, if adding a sword to a non force-user such as the rebel smuggler is a better option.
One of these days I need to get good lighting and take some pics of my IA minis. I did some measuring today and Luke seems to be 32 or possibly even 35mm scale. Which is insanely huge. No wonder I am having such a hard time transitioning over to painting them. I've got basic armies painted up though. When the collection hits a 51% painted tipping point, we are going to ban unpainted minis from our games.
I am very excited to paint my Hoth rebels. I made Gaarkhan's fur all frosty and on a white base. Not sure if I'll do the same for Chewie or not. The fur one these32mm scale wookies is tough to highlight just right. I found that with him, under-highlighting then drybrishing white frost onto key points worked better than any highlighting method I'd found.
Find that I am having to replace my pics once again. Grrrr...
Heart of the Empire to be posted soon. Been busy working on Legion Terrain.
Any idea what caused your pics to stop from showing up?
1 hour ago, Force Majeure said:Any idea what caused your pics to stop from showing up?
not sure because they are all on the same hosting site but everything after the Dewback disappeared.