C3POFETT'S Miniatures

By C3POFETT, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Here is my attempt at painting my miniatures. I used to paint West End Games Star Wars miniatures years ago. This game along with Sorastros' videos got me back into the hobby. My fiance loves the color purple, and she helps occasionally (usually applying washes) so you will see it appear throughout my figures. I went for a more pristine and clean look for my troopers (No Washes) Having 2 sets of each box and 2 to 3 of most trooper packs I was able to bring some "Expanded Universe" paint schemes to the figures.


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Heroes and Villains so far...

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Other Troops...

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Creatures and Aliens...

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I am also working on 3 Dimensional maps for Multiplayer Skirmish games. Built from foam core creating and printing custom labels and creating sliding doors.


Solid job!

Cool set pieces. I like the sliding doors; so simple & clever.

17 hours ago, Force Majeure said:

Cool set pieces. I like the sliding doors; so simple & clever.

Thank you, that was supposed to be a small representation of Bespin. Making the doors workable and able to be opened and closed was important and took a little while to figure out how to make it do-able and not look too bad. (Replacable Red doors signify Locked Doors)

I am working on a Death Star Map (Multi-leveled (catwalks) with Blast Doors and Elevators!) and an Endor Bunker. I am also thinking about designing a Tattooine Docking Bay and the Carbon Freezing Chamber. I will admit a lot of inspiration comes from EA's Star Wars Battlefront game. So I spend quite a bit of time playing and then creating decals or stickers that resemble the walls and doors seen on those maps.

The look I go for when painting is for my figures to resemble the "Black Series" and the "Vintage Original Trilogy Collection" action figures. These are highly detailed and look very close to on-screen perfect. They are my inspiration and I really wanted my miniatures to have that action figure look and feel to them.

Loving the 3d skirmish builds mate!

Have been painting away and I am almost finished with my figures. I went ahead and changed things up with Han Solo and Boba Fett. I gave them an Empire Strikes Back paint job to fall in line with the rest of the Movie add-on figures except for Obi Wan, Greedo and Jedi Luke. Just have a handful of SWIA created heroes left to go. One gets the character card paint scheme and the second is getting my personal preference mostly a repainting of Movie heroes. (Vinto as Han from TESB, Onar as Lando Calrissian, MHD as 2-1 etc.)

Painted an Alliance Smuggler as an X-Wing Pilot for the custom card that I created for Wedge Antilles. (Orange White and Grey) I really like the way it turned out. Did this mostly because I couldn't find a decent WOTC miniature to use and the Alliance Smuggler has a nice action pose.

Got almost all of the decals worked out for my Death Star 3D skirmish build. Just working out the detention level.Have been working on an Escape the Death Star scenario. Figured out how to construct scaled Tattoine buildings from foam core, cardboard and spackle for another 3D skirmish build.

Photos soon to follow I just have to get the ones that have been removed newly replaced.

Happy Painting.

Revisiting some miniatures. Finally getting to all the bases. I know alot of bases look rough but I always intended to do a huge base painting as opposed to doing each one as I go. My fiance has thrown her hat in and is painting some miniatures too. I really like that she has joined me in this hobby. She is working on a Dewback, a custom Loku and a custom Rancor.

Here are some Rebel Troopers:


I had to do a Captain paint job on the Rebel troopers

...I'm not even sorry for stealing this idea for my own elite troopers.

Great job!

Here is one of my favorites: Dewbacks k4v3mb.jpg

In the background are my unpainted Tattooine huts for a 3D skirmish map and for a Legion map once the game arrives.

Here are my Banthas:

I know they look like twins but the saddles separate them


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Look Sir Droids:

I enjoyed these guys so much I had to make custom "CANON" Droids 2rq0c2g.jpg


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The All Mighty Jabba the Hutt:

before you knock it, I go for the Black Series and Vintage Trilogy Collection for my minis

Custom Tattooine Hut in background (unpainted)


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Boba Fett! Boba Fett! Where?

You are not seeing double, That is an Empire Strikes Back and a Return f the Jedi paint scheme.


There is a repainted 4-Lom and Zuckuss from WotC miniatures for the custom cards I created in the background.

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Jawas, Disgusting little creatures.

I got a fever and the only cure is more Jawa!


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Echo Base Troopers:


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E-Web Gunners:


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Here is my Rancor:

The lighting isn't great but I like the way this one came out. Leathery looking skin with mild shading.



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Geez...these look so good. Some of your painting really captures a pre-enhanced OT look

Hera and "Chopper":

They are standing on my "Detention Block Floor" decal for my 3D Death Star custom skirmish/ up coming Legion build


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5 minutes ago, qwertyuiop said:

Geez...these look so good. Some of your painting really captures a pre-enhanced OT look

Thank you. As I always say my inspiration for my miniatures was the action figure line. It just brings me back to the days when Kenner reigned supreme.

I honestly have my figures displayed as I paint my miniatures.