Worm Team Six (or the WormStar)

By jek, in Runewars List Building

Ardus IxErebus 37

Carrion Lancers 3x2 68
--Equipment: Master-Crafted Weapons 4
--Training: Combat Ingenuity 6
Reanimate Archers 2x1 18
--Training: Combat Ingenuity 6
Reanimate Archers 2x1 18
--Training: Combat Ingenuity 6
Reanimates x4 26
--Champion: Deathcaller 5

Total 194

I'm trying to decide if I want reaping blade and ancient technique or fortuna's dice on ardus...

Using the worms as the main with Ardus trying to flank and kill things with his Axe blenders. While the small block of reanimates run about popping deathcalls on sturdier groups...and of course archers are just blighting and blighting...

Sounds quite punchy, able to quickly win a flank and try to rush the center.

Well butter my biscuit, I'll have to proxy that soon.

Yeah I'm going to have to atleast proxy three worms until the expac comes out...which may also change the list a bit with new cards...doubtful but possible...

15 minutes ago, jek said:

Yeah I'm going to have to atleast proxy three worms until the expac comes out...which may also change the list a bit with new cards...doubtful but possible...

Nothing a couple of empty reanimate trays, bit of blue tack and Mansions of Madness C'thonians can't fix ;).

I like that it can be pushing regular damage or mortal strikes depending on what you want to kill.

You it is a versatile big group that is pretty survivable, like you said MS or Damage depending on what you are targeting with Slurm Team Six (what is SHOULD have named the topic...why am I so bad?) and you have the Deathcaller on the back end popping off little blight wounds when the runes are right to kill off bigger things...