I was just hoping that the arbiter would have a talent like force of will that would pair well with Niman-disciple when I noticed/realized what might be a design pattern, so far every career book released has had a spec with a conflict talent and willpower focused talents
Guardian: Warden: Baleful Gaze (willpower via coercion and conflict), Scathing Tirade (willpower via coercion)
Seeker: Executioner: terrifying kill (conflict talent), mind over matter (willpower directly), Deathblow (willpower directly)
Sentinel: Sentry: fear the shadows (conflict talent), constant vigilance (willpower via vigilance skill), uncanny reactions (willpower via vigilance skill)
do you all think this a real pattern or am I just seeing what I want to see? And assuming that it is a real pattern what does it mean for specs in disciples of harmony? E.g. arbiter or aesthetic? Rampant speculation requested.